Fall For You Part 16: I woke Avalanna up....so i can tell her the - TopicsExpress


Fall For You Part 16: I woke Avalanna up....so i can tell her the unforgettable news. Me: Ava?!? *shaking her* Ava: *waking up sleepily rubbing her eyes* yess mwommy! Me: umm, baby mommy has something to tell you...*holding back tears* Justin soon came behind me rubbing my back. He knew this was hard for me to tell my child...our child the truth that will hurt her...bad. Justin: *rubbing my back* its ok baby, im here dont cry my princess. *smiling* Me: *looking up smiling wanting to cry more by how humble he was being about the situation* umm, mommy has something very important she needs to tell you. At this point, i was balling. I wanted to crawl under a hole and just.....die, but i gotta stay strong...only for Avalanna and now...Justin. Me: Umm, Ryan.....He,uh, he isnt your father.... Ava: he isnt?? Why would you lie mommy, Lieing is bad!! Whose my dad??? Me: Baby, i didnt lie. I just didnt tell you.... Ava: mommy, who is my daddy?? Me: *glancing at Justin, looking back at Ava* Justin: I am! Everyone froze. Well, i wasnt expecting that. Ava: Noo, i want daddy!!!! Me: Baby, this is daddy. *crying more* Ava: why didnt you tell me mommy.?? Me: Because, babay i didnt know where Justin went when mommy had you, Justin left. Ava: Why did you leave daddy??? Me: Be- Justin cut me off. Justin: because i was a stupid fool *looking at me* and im verry berry sorry *making baby voic* will you and mommy ever forgive me??? *Looking at both of us with puppy dog face* He got tackled by Ava attacking him with hugs and kisses. Ava: I love You daddy!! Justin* tears forming* you called me daddy?? I love you too princess. Justin was bonding and tickling her a few hours later, then all of a sudden, she started to hurt. Justin called me in the room. We lifted her shirt. Oh no!! Bruises! When i saw that, i automatically knew who did it....Ryan. The first thing i went for is the kitchen, to grab a knife. No one hurts my baby!! ~Amandabieber
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 03:52:47 +0000

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