Fall is almost here. And football is on its way. Time for all the - TopicsExpress


Fall is almost here. And football is on its way. Time for all the boys of Georgia. To put on their suits and play. Time for all the fans. to gather up their gear. and cheer the bulldogs on. for a very sucessful year. Time for Couch Mark Richt to gather all his guys. And win another chapionship. No if or buts or whys. We have the team to do it. no reason why we cant. Doesnt matter wher we come from. Or how the couches Rank. We have the boys to do it. And all the couching staff. So lets go out And win each game. In the second half. Lets go undefeated in every game we play. And win a national championship and and then be on our way. Lets show the nation we can do it. Like we did before. Even though Mr. Walker doesnt play for us no more. Dont beat around the bushes. or the hedges they would say. lets just beat all the teams that show up in our way. Then when this year is over and the very last play is played. people will say "the very best team of all . Is the University of G. A...."
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:10:16 +0000

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