False Prophecy and Promises: by Rio Legaspi (Notes) on Sunday, - TopicsExpress


False Prophecy and Promises: by Rio Legaspi (Notes) on Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 9:44am How do people react when prophecy fails to happen? In my personal opinion hardened by long years of learning in history, i can therefore conclude that religion is full of prophecy and most of them are based on the writer personal opinion without any basis or proof. Because of their dogma not to used follower personal knowledge through reasons and instead trained them like a robot resulting to millions of robots, following whatever they say like the end of the world and according to history many are casualty meaning they killed themselves as sacrifice. For me all religions are a kind of cult, not only religion i can say all organization and groupings, they are all cult to me, because there is the tendency of abuses in every groupings perpetrated by its leaders. It is written in Criminal History of Mankind, that people has a criminal instinct in a varied ways. The question is, after the failed prophecy, some of them get out of that particular cult but not to be by themselves, to learn something from their mistakes and instead of finding the reasons by themselves, later on they will be lured again by another cult, by another name but the doctrine is still the same, the strategy is the same and that is the removal of every members reasoning power residing in our brain. I call them the dual believers, believing in their body and soul. And because of this soul uncertainty, a reason why people are searching for something to believe in, unfortunately thousands of years has passed and yet still a soul theory is incomprehensible, it is like day dreaming, like a castle made of sand. The search for heaven which is a universal language commonly used by the preachers is the main menu of their strategy. Heaven is like Justice, a lot of great people died searching for its reality, but all of them failed. Why? Is it because it is not real? Trying to believe in something which is not real will bring us to oblivion, to misadventure, to frustration and into chaos. Religions are fighting each other for dominance and supremacy. Both of them are promising heaven and life after death, and people love those great promises. People like daydreaming, imaginations adventures of heavens and gods. The utopia in general is the promise. But then again how you can have it if it is not real? And how you will know it if you will not abide to reasons, to your own mind, your own reasoning? Governments are the same, they are also a cult. People become a zealot doing whatever it takes for the sake of government. The promise of the government is different. In the religious aspect, what they are trying to sell is for the people not to worry while breathing, because after death there will be another life! And what kind of life it is? An imaginary life living in heaven with angels, gods, cloudy and green trees and animals a paradise projected in mind. The government on the other hand will promised us: The rights to the following items: Rights to Equality/ Freedom/ Liberty and Property. And because of the varied interpretations of each aspect, it looks like a promise of uncertainty also. The result is the opposite of what is in their book! Universal language the common language every time engaged in public speaking are: FREEDOM/EQUALITY/WILL OF THE PEOPLE/YOUR RIGHTS/POOR PEOPLE and loads of PROMISES. People have no choice except to listen to their deafening tunes mostly played by incumbent or new aspirant to be in the Government. The varied explanation of their promises result in chaos, killings, abuses, secrecy and i can say most of them are followers of Michiavelli that the means justify the end, or the end justify the means vice-versa. The one-sidedness of the contract between all organizations and its followers will surely results into broken and untrue promises. Is there anyone who can dispute the fact that no equal agreement between two parties, a good example is the contract between the employer and the employee? The balance of the agreement is always tilted resulting to a fall-down. For as long as they stipulate and understand the true meaning of those universal language they are using to trick the people, it is no doubt that religion will always make false PROPHECY and government will continue to make false PROMISES. What an irony, because people never ever learned from history, they keep on doing the same thing in a different version and time.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:31:41 +0000

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