False Prophets. OR FOLLOW THE LAW. ARE YOU AN AUSSIE LANDOWNER ? THEN READ THIS HIGH COURT JUDGMENT............. In the Supreme Court of New South Wales very recently at end of 2011, in the matter of RUMBEL v LIVERPOOL PLAINS COUCIL and ORS, the CEO of the council faced 58 charges of stealing and 1 case of breaking and entering with intent to steal. The Council Ranger faced multiple charges as did the council; environmental officer. Two members of the NSW police FORCE face102 charges each and one of them is facing 30 years in jail. Two private tow truck operators face 58 charges each, 29 counts of stealing and 29 counts of failing to follow the lawful procedure for moving vehicles on the road.This all stems from the council making a purposeful decision to breach the law. RUMBEL had 58 second hand cars on his property on the edge of the town of Quirindi, NSW. On the day in question the CEO and his band of thieves turned up, cut the chains locking the gate and entered and stole 58 vehicles. Luckily for RUMBEL he knew his Common Law well and engaged a Queens Counsel from London. The matter played out on the Supreme Court of NSW where the first 5 judges said they worked for the ‘corporation” known as New South Wales and the 6th said she worked for The People. The QC removed the first 5 judges as they were, as he put it, “a nothing”.The result has been pleasing for The People and the CEO was ordered to transfer all LIVERPOOL PLAINS COUNCIL assets to the NSW State Government and the rest of the defendants were well advised to get their affairs in order as they would be responsible for paying the tens of millions of dollars in compensation, and none of the compensation would come froe the rate payers of that council.The matter was then uplifted by the judge to the High Court of Australia for confirmation of the compensation to be paid and that will be heard on the 21st May 2012.The QC concerned is a world authority on trespass and demonstrated to the Supreme Court of NSW that for some decades no legislation in the Commonwealth of Australia has received Royal Assent and is therefore invalid and inoperative. The private lawyer from Lismore engaged by the LIVERPOOL PLAINS COUNCIL, at one stage rose to claim he had a copy of the NSW Local Government ACT 1993 and the QC advised that it had not received Royal Accent and was worthless. He apparently tore it in half and dropped it. Apparently the Judge aggress with the world authority on trespass.Leonard Clampett visited the crime scene last week and took careful note that all 58 vehicles areback on the RUMBEL’S property and there are about 15 more parked on the footpath outside. This matter is as yet not mentioned in law reports and will probably remain so, lest Percy Public get wind of it. However, through your own corrupt department of justice, you should be able to get a transcript for your defence from the corrupt judicial system in New South Wales with little trouble. It will be soon spread far and wide across the internet for all to see what corrupt mongrels we have working FOR us.Put THEM on full notice of the coming action against them for their failure to comply with lawful legislation and attempting to impose invalid legislation upon myself. Ignorance of the Law is NO Excuse.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 02:41:35 +0000

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