False sense of entitlement/accomplishment... misguided sense of - TopicsExpress


False sense of entitlement/accomplishment... misguided sense of world. Misplaced, often transparent morality. No consequences. We could protest the countless wars our country has been dragging us into for years. We could protest the constant violation of our rights as American citizens, as human beings. We could protest the very ominous and vague slavery weve been cleverly forced into. We could care, so much more about each other, about the world as it could be... ... but instead, let us pour our unnecessary hatred into the protest of one bigot. Let us not live our lives, but spend them sharing in these empty social networks. Why do we believe that evil men, deserve evil? Why do we believe that sharing in that hatred will make us any better? We are no longer part of something of substance. We are disconnected. There is no big picture, there is only the next like, the next follower. Things that once had value are now painfully overlooked and hollowed out to make room for narrow minded technologies and the blind pursuits of ever expanding social media. Unfortunately this is the biggest stage that I have to say what I believe, it goes against so much that I feel, but if you feel as I do, if you truly understand the slope that our decline as a society is measured, I hope that you are doing all you can to change the world around you, and the worlds around those. I know that I am not wrong in my pursuits. I may not know what is best for the world, and often myself, but I know that to say nothing is to side with the forces that would otherwise keep us far and disconnected. The forces in the universe that would have us live a life of fear and servitude, as opposed to the lives that we all deserve, the lives that we have earned. I dont need or want you to Like this status. I dont want you to leave a comment. Just make the world a better place for yourself and everyone around you. The world truly needs saving, and there may be no one watching out for us. Its up to each and every one of us. The world is not what MOST of us think, and it is certainly not what ANY of us hope. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:20:12 +0000

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