Familiars. Today there are many Wiccans and Pagans who have an - TopicsExpress


Familiars. Today there are many Wiccans and Pagans who have an animal companion, these animals and their owners have an emotional and psychic bond with their cat, dog and any other animal that they have a deep spiritual connection with, and the animal is attuned to his/her human counterpart. (It was once said a Familiar was an animal that was connected to a human by magic the truth is however the connection is so much more than magic alone.) The History of the Familiar : In the 1500 and 1600’s familiars were said to be given to witches by the devil, small demons who were shape shifters and could be sent out to carry the evil intent of the witch. Mostly portrayed as a cat especially black familiars could also come in the form of a dog (such is the case when it came to Elizabeth Device who was one of the Pendle witches her brown dog was sentenced to death as they believed the dog was the devil himself!), toad and some other small animals. During this period many domestic animals were killed because of their association with witches and other heretics. (In some countries (mainly Scandinavian) it is thought fairies, dwarves and other elemental beings often took the shape of small animals. However once the Christian church came to power the belief system had to be hidden away as any being that did not take form of an angel was then considered a demon!). Finding a Familiar If an animal has appeared in your life unexpectedly -- such as a stray cat that appears regularly, for instance -- its possible that it may have been drawn to you psychically. (Though I must add placing food out for a stray kitten that keeps coming back does not mean that this is the connection we speak of ha-ha). (Some people also do magical work with what is called a spirit or power animal, these are animals that are spiritual guardians often associated with shamanic practises.) I myself have a few pets (10 snakes, 2 cat’s (one of which is black but ironically she is the aloof one ha-ha) and a dog) and I have to admit one of my cat’s just seems to get me, he knows when I am upset (I might not be showing it) but he comes over cuddles right in and nuzzles my hair, he even knew when I was in pain and lay where it was painful. He arrived in my life just before my old cat passed away talking a week max, I was not even looking for another cat and I was just drawn to him upon sight! He was in no way a replacement as her passing was an accident the timing seems to be destiny. (She was another that knew my moods and was so connected to me, she gave birth on my lap!!) We would like to hear from you, do you have an animal you share a deep connection with? work with a familiar?, do not be shy and let us know (Claire).
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:15:57 +0000

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