Family, Khaled Said: officers and informers Sidi Gaber revenge on - TopicsExpress


Family, Khaled Said: officers and informers Sidi Gaber revenge on the Khaled for publishing video on Facebook depicting drug distribution process between the department staff Khaled Said Khaled Said Family, Khaled Said confirmed victim of torture in Alexandria that the laboratory section revenge on him for his earlier publication of a video on his account Facebook depicts the location of the drug division between officers and informants process within the office of one of the officers the department. His family and said that Khalid has no precedents as to criminal newspaper free of involvement in any criminal investigation before, as well as the safety of his position on the recruitment, noting that he owns in partnership with his brother for the import and export company, which reveals the lie detective allegations ndash; according Colhm-. The security forces were directed to Khaled several charges, including escape from military service and escape from the implementation of judgments judicial one possession of a weapon and one steal, and accused him of drug trafficking, while released coroners report confirms that the death occurred due to Asvksya strangulation due to ingestion of slain roll banjo, and evacuated the prosecution For laboratory Department of Sidi Gaber ensuring their residence. In a related development, dozens of political forces, activists gathered in Alexandria on Saturday afternoon to perform funeral prayers on Khaled Mohammed Said Shahid torture in Alexandria, and the mosque of Sidi Gaber El-Sheikh, also staged a demonstration in front of the mosque after prayers to protest against the infringement is justified by the police on the citizens and the loss of life unlawfully . The demonstration was attended by a number of political symbols, including Chancellor Mahmoud Khudairi, former Deputy President of the Court of Cassation, and former MP Abul Ezz Al Saber Abul Fotouh, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, the Peoples Assembly, in addition to a number of party symbols in Alexandria. In the same vein dozens of political and human rights statements were issued to condemn the incident of the killing of Khaled Said, including the statement of the National Association for Change in Alexandria and the blocs parliamentary Brotherhood in Alexandria and the Party of the Democratic Front and Center for Victims of Human Rights and the Center Shehab for Human Rights and the Association of human rights advocates and Nadim Center for Human Rights. The security services in Alexandria has directed 11 charge for five activists in Alexandria after being arrested last Thursday night during their sit-in in front of the Department of Sidi Gaber, Alexandria to demand the disclosure of the killers of Khaled Said, where he accused the security services of both Hassan Mustafa Ahmad Jaber and Mahmoud Hadi Khalid Rafiq Khalil Mahdi Mohammed Mahdi using threat and intimidation in implementation of the project criminal collectively aimed at disturbing public order and endangering the safety of the community at risk, and try to break into the Sidi Gaber police station and inciting others to do so and chanting seditious slogans and Azrda state system and incitement to resist public authorities and exposing the transportation risk deliberately inciting the crowd and the exposure of libel The Interior Ministry and police officers. Click to watch the video:
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:47:30 +0000

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