Family Systems 911 –123– MAN VS WOMAN I have been bombarded - TopicsExpress


Family Systems 911 –123– MAN VS WOMAN I have been bombarded with a lot of questions by many out there who seem to be confused about the concept of man, woman, male, female, husband, wife etc. These are concepts many of us have lived with for so many years without taking out time to really research their true meaning so often times even on pulpits some teach husbands and wives as men and woman and teach male and female as husband and wife and people clap & internalize the messages without discovering the truth about the major differences in this concepts. I would attempt to lay the matter to rest in the next few weeks but trust me I would start with some fundamental truths before I move to the heart of the matter. God did not start the world with a male he started the world with MAN – I have seen people in religious circles teach that God made man in his image which is actually the truth but the problem is in their interpretation of man in that verse as male not knowing that the word man there is actually the word humanity or mankind which includes man & woman. For several years many have used this error to hold women bound as inferior to men but if you understand the truth in there you would realize that none is actually inferior to the other. Let us make man is not gender specific but mankind specific. 2.One of the greatest errors of history is our inability to separate our identity from our roles – Your role is not who you are. If you work as a surgeon that is a role youplay and totally different from your identity unfortunately not many have discovered this truth. You have a choice to accept or reject a role but seeking to reject your identity leaves you in a state of emptiness. So while Man/womb+man is an identity which I’d explain with time, husband & wife are roles you have a choice to accept or decline. Unfortunately many have accepted these roles without proper preparation thereby making a mockery of the concept called marriage. Are you a man? I honour you Praise Fowowe
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:14:17 +0000

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