Family… a word which has been defined as many things: a group of - TopicsExpress


Family… a word which has been defined as many things: a group of people associated by kinship, similar features and attributes or even a group of people living together. Many times when we think of the word family, we think of our own family unit our spouse, children, siblings, parents and grandparents. The word brings a certain association with our own family memories of both the good and bad times. Since society has defined the word family in such small context, it is often difficult to remember that we are part of a very large family…the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says we Christians are one body; when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one is lifted up, we all rejoice. Some of our family members around the world are facing persecution. In countries like Nigeria, families cannot attend church together without the constant fear of being attacked. In countries like Uzbekistan, Christian families can be torn apart when a father is placed in prison for sharing the gospel. It can be disheartening to think about what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, but you can make a difference! The number one thing that persecuted Christians ask for is prayer.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:17:53 +0000

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