Family and friends: Thank you for all the well wishes, support, - TopicsExpress


Family and friends: Thank you for all the well wishes, support, thoughts and prayers. All of you have meant the world to me the past 5 months. It was a very hard late summer and fall for myself and my family, but without your love and support I could NOT have made it through! As my Brother and Aunt have posted on my behalf, I received a phone call from Dr. Arzoumanian on New Years Day. It was strange to receive a phone call from the hospital on a holiday, so I was intrigued. He said, Cheryl? ...Yes. This is Dr. Arzoumanian. You had your PET Scan yesterday right? Yes, You are scaring me. (giggle from him) I thought you would want some good news to start out the year. Your PET Scan is clear. I dont see any Cancer cells. I said, You are kidding? No, I dont see anything. Thought you wanted to know, instead of having to wait. Best news ever, Thank you so much!! Happy New Year and see you in Feburary! I was crying before I hung up the phone. Frank kept asking what was wrong, but I couldnt speak! After clearing the tears and gathering a thought, I let him know the good news. Speechless! I immediately called Addison, before I hung up the phone, he was crying too. Next was David, yep crying too! Tabe didnt know what was happening, but he was having his own celebration in the bathtub! I placed calls to other family and friends, then relished in the good news myself. After a bit, Frank says, wow I guess we can breathe for a moment now. You know strange as that may sound, as I look back on the past 5 months, it doesnt seem like we have taken a breath. It has always been getting from Thursday to Thursday...BIG chemo to BIG chemo...just make it through one more week. Thankfully the chemo is over!!! Now for what is ahead: Tomorrow I see Dr. Eckes at 11am for surgery consult for double mastectomy with complete removal of lymph nodes in right arm. Due to last chemo being on Dec 29th, my surgery window will be Jan 19-26th. Surgery cannot be sooner due to blood levels and body recovery and cannot be past the 26th or I will have to have an infusion of Herceptin. After surgery, I will see Dr. Arzoumanian on Feb 9th to begin every 3 week Herceptin infusion for 1 year. At some point this year I will undergo breast reconstruction. Hopefully, returning to work late to end of Feb. (I miss my work family!) Please keep my family and myself in your prayers and thoughts. LADIES: Please make this lifestyle change today! AT LEAST a monthly self-breast exam, same day every month. If you are over 40 PLEASE get a mammogram. If you cannot afford one or dont have insurance, let me know I can find resources. Several people have told me my doctor said it was nothing to worry about. If its important enough for you to mention, ITS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO CHECK OUT! I love you all
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:30:10 +0000

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