Family, please do not forget to join us on Wednesday night at 7PM - TopicsExpress


Family, please do not forget to join us on Wednesday night at 7PM at the Christian Heritage School Barn in Trumbull, CT for an open Parish Council meeting. Below, please find the invitation from Thad, read to the congregation on Sunday. See you there! ----- Sunday, October 19 I want to make a brief announcement this morning. In late June, early July, I knew the Holy Spirit was impressing on me to set apart a time of specific devotion and prayer for our church family. Here in my tenth year as senior pastor of Apostles, I knew I needed to appeal to our PC to join me in that time of prayer, reflection, and fasting for our church. In simple terms, we have been in a rented facility – setting up and taking down – since our first public worship in September 2003 – eleven years ago. As many of you know, over time, this grows tiresome. We have done our best over the last eight years to find a church home in a local community where we can incarnate the presence our Lord Jesus Christ and serve the people of that community. In His providence and grace, we have not yet found that home. I must say, we have had the best Parish Council – and Staff – these past ten years. And I am profoundly grateful that our present PC openly embraced this time of prayer and reflection with joy and intentionality. They have spent the last two months of August and September in good, honest discussion – seeking the mind, heart, and will of our Lord Jesus Christ – head of His Church – for the health and well-being of Apostles both now and in the future. Although we do not have specific direction, or any specific proposal at this time to put before you, what we do have is a heart for you to be part of this conversation. There is a great value in talking together, praying together, and entering into a time of waiting on the Lord as a family in Christ. It is our desire to bring you up to speed on our reflections, observations, concerns, joys, and passion for the health, vibrancy, sustainability, and future of our church. And it is also our desire to hear from you and engage you as we pursue Jesus Christ together and our desire to walk in obedience to Him as a family. Our monthly PC meeting is this coming Wednesday night. We will be holding it at the Christian Heritage Barn at 7pm in Trumbull. It is not an Annual Meeting. It is not a time for voting. We will simply be conducting our normal monthly business; while discussing specifically these present matters; and, giving opportunity to welcome you into that conversation together. If it is not possible for both parents to come, perhaps one of you can come to take part. And, if you’re not able to come at all, we as a PC will make every effort to communicate next steps as best we can in the days to come. I must say, it is a good, encouraging, and healthy moment when we together seek the Lord for His guidance and direction. Our passion is always the same – to Him be the Glory, now and always! Thad
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:58:56 +0000

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