Famous People that Contributed towards the Popularity of Aloe - TopicsExpress


Famous People that Contributed towards the Popularity of Aloe Vera Aloe Vera should not be mistaken to have been discovered only a few years ago – this natural skin beautifier has been around the world for many years. Modern celebrities from the world of fashion and glamour are not the only users of Aloe Vera for its capability to improve the looks of skin. Aloe Vera was equally popular among ancient kings and queens, not only for its skin improving ability, but also for various other reasons. So lets look at some of the most famous people from around the world that popularized the use of Aloe Vera in one way or the other. Alexander the Great The great ruler of history, Alexander the Great, was known to carry Aloe Vera to the battlefields, where it was used as a medicinal treatment for the wounded soldiers. It was around 333 BC that Alexander was encouraged by Aristotle, his mentor, to conquer the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. It is believed that the main reason for doing so was to capture the island that produced large quantity of Aloe Vera. Celsius in Greece It was around 25 AD that the famous Greek pharmacologist Celsius mentioned the use of Aloe Vera in his work. Though, he talked only about the use of Aloe Vera as purgative, still it further contributed towards the growing popularity of this natural plant. Dioscordes It was during the same time period that Dioscordes, the expert in Roman pharmacology gave detailed information about Aloe Vera and its variety of uses. According to him, Aloe Vera in the juice form acts as a perfect solution for stomach cleansing, healing bruises, improving oral health and treatment of boils. It was the information recorded by him regarding Aloe Vera that helped the plant to gain the status of a magical treatment provider for various health problems. Cleopatra Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt around 68 BC, remains to be an ideal of beauty till date. According to the historic records, Aloe Vera was one of the natural items found in the beauty kit of this queen, who was able to attract the greatest of the rulers of that time. Inspired from this, most popular cosmetic products for skin care in today’s time contain Aloe Vera as one of their ingredients. Nefertiti Just like Cleopatra, Nefertiti was another Egyptian queen who utilized Aloe Vera with an aim to enhance the beauty of her skin. Wife of an Egyptian Pharaoh, she was considered as the most beautiful woman of her era and thus, the beauty products used by her have always been the topic of debate. However, it is firmly believed that Aloe Vera was one of those products used by the queen to make her look beautiful. As you can see, Aloe Vera shares space with some of the eminent personalities of different eras. The information above is enough to inspire anyone to include Aloe Vera in their routine, either as a beauty enhancer, or as a treatment provider for variety of health issues. Christopher Columbus Columbus traveled around the world and has a number of expeditions to his credit. It was on these journeys through seas and oceans that persuaded this great traveler to carry Aloe Vera with him. His main aim to carry this magical remedy from nature on his journeys was to treat his sailors during long expeditions. Aloe Vera was used as a treatment provider for various types of skin problems. Marco Polo One of the greatest travelers of the history, Marco Polo is also known to be familiar with Aloe Vera for its skin improving and healing properties. It was on his travel to the Orient that Marco Polo got familiar with many applications of Aloe Vera and described it in the form of his writings. Jesus Christ The Bible mentions the use of Aloe Vera on the wounds of Jesus Christ, after he was crucified and removed from the cross. It is also mentioned that the body of Jesus was wrapped in Aloe Vera and Myrrh to provide some relief to him after the brutal act of crucifying him. King Solomon The king of Israel around 970 BC, King Solomon, is another figure from the history, known to have a great knowledge of the natural plant. Not only had he learned about the healing abilities of Aloe, he actually cultivated the plant to extract benefits out of it. It is also mentioned in the records that Aloe Vera was sued in the king’s wedding. Also, in the Song of Solomon, one can find the mention of myrrh and aloes. Galen Around 200 BC, Galen was famous as a physician in the court of a Roman Emperor. Known for writing more than 100 books about herbs and natural remedies, Galen is known to prescribe Aloe Vera for different reasons. Mainly, he used Aloe Vera as a healing agent for variety of skin problems. Napoleon The great France emperor Napoleon is among the famous people from the modern history, who utilized Aloe Vera for its power to heal the wounds at warfronts. A number of Napoleonic wars were fought and in most of them, Aloe Vera was used as a healing agent for the wounded soldiers of Napoleon army. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi from India is another well-known personality in the modern times, known to use Aloe Vera to maintain a good level of body strength during his long fasts. Gandhi, the greatest freedom fighter of Indian independence revolution, used the power of non-violence against the British rule and thus, went on indefinite fasts a number of times. According to him, Aloe Vera was one of the things that built his stamina to bear the weakness caused due to fasting. Following the footprints of the above mentioned personalities from past, one can adopt Aloe Vera as a revolutionary natural remedy for various purposes.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 10:55:07 +0000

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