Fan Fict time Part 1 CHAPTER 1: The Rose Bearer Another - TopicsExpress


Fan Fict time Part 1 CHAPTER 1: The Rose Bearer Another beautiful morning Utena thought as she rolled over onto her back, and looked up staring threw the skylight above her bed at the cloudless blue sky. she took a few moments to just lay there in her bed before really getting up. Starting school some where new was an adventure she was looking foreword to, but packing up her life at home was not. She finally pulled her self out of the bed and over to the floor length mirror to look at herself. She was tall and thin with a curvy chest and hips ( thank god she grew out of that boyish stage that seemed to last all threw junior high school). She had big bright blue eyes the color of the sky and cherry blossom pink hair to her waist. She yawned and retreated to the bathroom for a quick shower. The water was a little too warm which in turn made her more tired, but getting out of the shower a burst of cold air conditioned air hit her in teeth chattering porportion. She dried off as quick as she could and ran over to her drawers to pull out an outfit for today. She pulled out her dress uniform from her previous school. Long Black dress pants and a fitted white uniform shirt complete with frills on the collar and cuffs, and her matching black uniform dress jacket. After she dressed she sat down at the vanity / desk next to her bed and proceeded to brush and style her hair. Her long pink hair was annoying sometimes, but she couldnt bear to cut it, so she always keeps it up. She french braided it back and tucked it under with some bobby pins. Looking at her face in the mirror she seemed bright eyed and fresh faced. Utena threw on a small amount of lip gloss and masscara, and she was done. Utena had gotten used to living in her 1 bedroom apartment, and had even hung up a few of her favorite drawings on the walls. Now she was packing up her clothes, and belongings with lackluster as she remembered why she was going to begin with. Her uncle Richard had called and told her she had been accepted to Ohtori Acadamy, and was suppose to start the next semester which was only a few weeks away in June. She had to live on campus to attend school there and keep her scholarship for art by being a teachers aid in the advance life art class. For a moment there she almost began to cry when she was packing away photos of her parents. I wish you were here mama.....papa youd be proud of meShe hugged the photograph to her chest for a moment before wrapping it in paper and packing it away. Nearly an hour later she was packed and ready leaving only the furniture and curtains still there. Her uncle would come put the rest in storage for her. The cab driver finished loading the trunk up with boxes, and 2 duffle bags as Utena climbed into the back seat. As they pulled away she looked out the window at her neighborhood never really seeing it before. It was quiet the leaves were bright and green, and it looked like a picture book with all the little houses and apartment buildings modeled to look like the french quarter in New Orleans. She retrieved out of her pocket the acceptance letter and read it over. Dear Miss Utena Tenjou, I would like to welcome you to our prestigious school Ohtori Acadamy. Here enclosed is your schedule, and your room assignment. As a teachers aide it will be required of you to be at the office of Teacher Hino Misuno at least 50 hours a month to help him with his duties. Mr. Misuno will brief you when you get there. Our students are not to leave the campus unless specified by written permission from the dean or president of the academy. All other inquiries can be addressed within our student handbook or with the president when you arrive to meet with him.We are strict on our dress policy and all classes attended you must be in uniform unless specified by administration. Your uniform will have to be ordered so for the first week we will make an exception for you by letting you dress normally as you would if you were attending public school. You are on a scholarship here and are required to maintain your grades and make makeup tests as needed. We do not provide tutors so unless you hire one at your own discretion you may ask a teacher to assign a student tutor to help you. At orientation a student aide will be assigned to you to help your adjustment here be a successful one. Lastly I would advise you to stay out of the Forest Arena to the back of the campus. Students are not allowed to enter there it is strictly forbidden, and you will be expelled. We offer many clubs and organizations here at Ohtori and hope you make the most of your education with us. We look foreword to seeing you in June. Sincerely, President Kaname Ohtori II
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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