Fan Question/Concern- ok so just wanting to get something off of - TopicsExpress


Fan Question/Concern- ok so just wanting to get something off of my chest. im married going on 7 yrs in sept, i have 2 boys ages 2 and 5. i have recently met a guy on the facebook a month ago, as friends, he was very sweet , he was always there when i needed someone to talk to ,when my hub couldnt, they way he seen things in women was different then my hub in a good way, my hub dont show that he thinks im pretty or anything, and this guy did. he was married to, we talked everyday. i was very happy and couldnt wait to talk to him some more. my hub knew i was talking to him, but we was getting really close. well through the whole month the guys wife was getting upset with me talking to him and was thinking we was having feelings for each other. well it got to where she deleted me off of his facebook friends and he then added me back and she deleted his facebook all together. so today he tells me that we can talk right now to let things cool down. yes i was having strong feelings like there was some love feelings for him not as strong as my hub, i have never met this guy. he leaves 8 hrs away. he had feelings for me as well , and we talked on the phone 3 times. so im really brokenhearted , as i got close to him then he had to walk away from my life, from the past couple of yrs i have felt that way towards my hub but just ignored it, and it seems like we are growing slowly apart even when we try to do better for each other, i have know my hub since i was a kids like 3 yrs old, he was my highschool sweetheart, couple of yrs ago when i was skinny he brag about me to his friends, he would hold hands in public , put his arms around me . the only time he does so it when we are in bed. if anyone has anything to say to this i will not be upset , i just needed to get this off my chest . thanks for listening
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 02:44:59 +0000

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