*Fan Question* Fan Q: My daughter has weighed 18-19 lbs since 9 - TopicsExpress


*Fan Question* Fan Q: My daughter has weighed 18-19 lbs since 9 months. She is now 22 months old.. the doctors never seemed concerned because she eats breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between. She gets plenty of milk, fruits and veggies and her snacks arent things like chips/junk food theyre usually apples, bananas, pears or whatever other fruit she asks me for. She only occasionally will ask for something junk food related. Anyways she goes through the normal phases where she picks at her food and will only eat a few bites. The first time she did this she was around 11 months and I was concerned but her doctor told me it was a phase and that she will eat when she is hungry. Anyways shes about 36 inches tall, and they said according to her BMI shes right on track but they went ahead and wrote me a script for pediasure just to see if she can put on a little weight.. they said according to their growth chart she is in like the 10th or 15th percentile. Well I was wondering if any other mommies have experience with pediasure? She had horrendous reflux from birth to 8 months when they finally put her on zantac and it caused her to have slow weight gain so I was thinking in the beginning that might be the cause but she seems fine to me.. so I am unsure of whether she actually needs this pediasure or not. Shes not skin and bones, shes a normal, active healthy kid who always has good iron checks etc. I myself am 411 and 90 lbs before pregnant (currently pregnant and weigh like 109) and my husband (her biological father) is 58 and weighs 165. *reposted by Adinamarie
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:46:57 +0000

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