Fan Share Stacie Wilson-cloyd So tonight Ive been thinking - TopicsExpress


Fan Share Stacie Wilson-cloyd So tonight Ive been thinking about the big picture .. All these GOODY GOODY GAS IS UNDER $2 people saying stuff like ,.i can finally afford to fill my car up ,how do people like me say its a bad thing ?? Or its good for the average American, here is something to hopefully open your eyes ( Since Oct.2014 there has been 1482 rigs released .. If u figure that on each location there is a average of 175 people working on that location w the average household of ..lets say 3 the total comes to 375 people effected on each rig .. Now lets figure how many vendors are lost bc of no business Im gonna use 5 as a average with lets say 10 employees the total there is 50 more people who are now unemployed Now lets add co men .. Lets use a average of 3 co men per location I get 4046 more to add to the unemployment line Now think about all the co who make the equipment that other companies use on each location ,, rigs are down therefore they need less product made ..lets say a average of 2 companies per location who now lay off say 3 employees now add another 4046 to that total number If u add those numbers together the number will blow your mind !! Now once u have that number think about all the communitys where the oil and gas industry is the main stay .. Lets figure at least 1/2 own their own home they dont have a job and cant pay for their homes the lenders foreclose on their homes .. Now the banks are in trouble and they are forced to lay off people .. Say 2 at each bank .. Now dont think bc your not in the O&G industry or in banking your safe bc your not .. When all these people cant find jobs ..your local Restaurant , bakery , salon , , connivance store ,cake decorator at the grocery store or even car salesmen wont be seeing these people spending money in their business so now theres more business to add to the unemployment lines ... Now some of u who are saying .. How could gas under $2 be a bad thing ?? Just wait no job is safe and every job is biased on supply and demand ..if none of us can afford to do anything other then survive its then you might change your way of thinking . So how can gas under $2 a gallon be a bad thing ??? Just do the simple math my friends .. The men and women in the O&G industry are some of the most hard working people on earth me even my job is hard .. But its what we do to make a honest dollar .. Im honestly not trying to be mean to those who like $2 gas Im only asking they look at the big picture of whats happening around them while they are getting all giddy while filling up their tank for $20 bucks
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:56:00 +0000

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