Fan Written Story. Part 6 of 6. Written By: @Corey - TopicsExpress


Fan Written Story. Part 6 of 6. Written By: @Corey Bartley Reposted by *Nova* Michael: Alright. You over sized lizard. Now its my turn. He took a deep breath and let it out. But instead of air it was fire. A powerful blue flame came out of Michaels mouth and at the dragons snout. It roared in pain and it flew into the air, it tightened its grip around the two, he didnt feel anything from it, but he heard Isabella scream in pain. It dropped her and Michael saw her falling faster and faster. His anger rose again, and fought off the dragons grip again. He broke free and fell after her, he felt something come out of his back but ignored it. He grabs hold of Isabella, and as he did he slowed down, he didnt understand why, and he lowered themselves down and put her on the ground. She and the crowd of people around him were amazed, he didnt understand why but he didnt care. He saw the large dragon in the sky, angerier than before. He saw the hand that was holding him looked broken. He jumped into the sky, headed towards it. It opened its mouth about to breathe fire, he went straight into its mouth. It landed again, everyone was looking at the dragon, trying to understand what just happened. It then roared in pain, and something that was in its stomach. Then a silver blade erupted from its stomach, it fell over on its back. Roaring in pain as the blade sliced open its stomach. And out came the stomach, was Michael. He was breathing heaily. He stood in front of the dragons body, he looked at the crowd all shocked at what happened. Michael then noticed that he had wings coming out of his back. Two large white feathered wings. As he looked again, everyone slowly started to cheer. Michael sheated his blade, as the noise raised. His wings then gave a large flap and he flew into the air. He soared over the city. Wind blowing through his hair. Down on the street, sat Al still playing his saxaphone. But when he saw Michael flying away from the school. He took out a cell phone and called a number. Al: Yeah. Its Al. Im watching Michael fly. Its beautiful. Simply amazing. He heard something over the phone that was unintelligable. Al: Dont worry Ill keep an eye on him. Try to guide him down the right path. He watched Michael fly towards the swamp. Smiling as he watched, a tear falling down his face. He played a happy tune on his saxaphone. END
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:09:37 +0000

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