Fan fiction title: The Luke Smith Adventures Series 1 Chapter 4: - TopicsExpress


Fan fiction title: The Luke Smith Adventures Series 1 Chapter 4: Another alien hunter Sarah Janes car came to a screeching halt as she arrived at the hospital. She ran to Lukes room followed by the teenage boy and arrived just as Charlotte grabbed Luke. Luke! Sarah Jane screamed. Get down the man shouted. Sarah Jane turned to see the man who took K-9 with 2 laser pistols. Sarah Jane did as she was told and dropped down as the man fired a shot at Charlotte hitting her right side. Oh my Sarah Jane said. She couldnt believe her eyes as Charlotte form changed into some sort of robot. It dropped Luke and fired a shot at the man who dodged it as he returned fire. The robot quickly turned and jumped out of window the man ran too the window and fired 2 more shots at the robot but it was gone. Dam it, the man cursed as he banged his fist on what was left of the window. He turned to Sarah Jane who was now holding Luke. You two OK? he asked. Yes were alright Sarah Jane replied with a nod. I cant believe its you, she added. Its been a long time Miss Smith, the man continued. Who is it mum? Luke this is sergeant Mark Harkins Well sergeant major before I resigned So youve left unit Sarah Jane continued. Mark nodded. Yeah unit isnt what it once was I know I try and keep my distance these days Well it got to a point when I wasnt happy with how they were doing things so I decided to leave and go freelance mark explained. So now youre an alien hunter Luke asked. Yep me Sanjay here and his little brother Sam So what was that thing that attacked Luke? Its called a trigiod its an infiltrator dam good one too. It has the ability to look like anything or anyone dangerous blighters at the best of times, Mark added. So it disguised its self as that girl, so wheres the real girl Sarah Jane asked. Still in the hospital room Sam is with her now So why did it come after me Probably the same reason we were following you Sanjay replied. K9 You got it. When a trigiod is on a mission first thing it does is eliminate anything that could be a treat to it and K9 being alien Tec would be deemed a threat and in turn you Luke, Im sorry I stole him I thought he might have been the trigiod at first Dont worry about it Luke said with a smile. Yes lets just find this thing before it hurts anyone else Sarah Jane added. After all the excitement Sarah Jane mark and Sanjay left Luke who had now been moved to another room to get some rest. Luke rang josh to tell him they had found K9 and later that day josh Danny and the other arrived to see how he was. Your looking better mate josh told his friend. Yeah the doctors say I should be out by the end of the week So you managed to get your metal dog back, Alex continued. Yeah turns out the guy that put me in here had him At least he did in the cover story mark and his mum had come up with Luke thought. He came after you again didnt he? josh asked. Yeah I guess he was trying to keep me and the girl quiet. Shed managed to escape him so knew where he was hiding out. So mum went there and found K9 But not the guy Danny added. Luke shook his head. He had just left to come here luckily mum worked out what he was up to and got here just in time. But he got anyway. Luke turned to look at K9 who was in the Conner of the room. But at least we got K9 back, K9 Luke called. Yes master K9 asked as he rolled up to Alex and the others. Thats so cool Chris said. I know you think he was real, Danny continued. Hes a bit disco and isnt K9 a bit of a cheesy name? Nathan added. I think it suites him Lisa said as she stroked the metal dog Glad you got him back Luke, well weve got to go back to Foxly so we came to say good bye Alright Alex, it was great to meet you all and thanks again for last night Maybe next time we come over there wont be any trouble Nathan told him. Yeah best keep an eye on josh and Danny for us Chris continued. Will do And take care of your self as well Lisa told him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Ooohhh everyone else said together. Luke simply smiled as josh and the others turned to leave. Me and Danny will see you later after weve seen this lot off josh told him Bye everyone Everyone said their goodbyes and left Lukes room. Well K9 who have thought life in oxford would be so exciting Luke told his friend.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:45:49 +0000

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