Fan ghost story Mama Share: Im not sure if this is a Ghost story - TopicsExpress


Fan ghost story Mama Share: Im not sure if this is a Ghost story or labeled something else.. In 09 my brother passed away from an ATV accident at the age of 19.. Me & him are a yr & 3 months apart.. Well 2 days after he passed I had the most amazing ever.. In those 2 days following his death i always asked myself if he was okay.. If he went to heaven or hell.. I douted God & hated him & didnt believe in him anymore.. Well 2 nights after his death me & my husband get home & start getting ready for bed when all of a sudden our bedroom window SLAMS shut.. No window outside & it has those clips that lock it into place.. My husband opened it again & tried everything including hitting the wall to make the window close & NOTHING.. Well we shrugged it off.. Then the dream came.. My brother came into my dream dressed in a white shirt black pants & white shoes & he had a nice faded hair cut.. We barried him in a Cowboys jersey & he had some what of long curly hair... He was sitting on a couch as I walked up to him.. He gets ups & tells me God let him come see me & tell me bye one last time then gave me a big hug & i woke up.. When i woke up i was crying like i was in the dream.. I immedialty Thank God for letting me see & hug him one last time.. I now believe their is a God.. & regret ever douting God!! I still beg God to let brother come see me but he never does.. But i dont hate him cause i knw one day we will see eachother again.. But i did pray toy brother & tell him im guna kick his butt when we met up again for not bringing God with him in my dream so I could actualy met him lol.. -Melissa
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 04:06:28 +0000

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