Fan needs advice Please keep me anon... I need advice!!!! I am - TopicsExpress


Fan needs advice Please keep me anon... I need advice!!!! I am worried about my stepdaughter and we are waiting the call back from a therapist. She is 6 yrs old and her father and I had gotten full custody June 2012, he mom lost custody of her when she was 1 due to leaving her home alone for hours.. Well, I no her fits and attitudes are over her not seeing and barely talkin to her mom, the last time she had came back to the state to see my step daughter was when she turned 4. Over the past year we have went through fazes where she would NOT listen to me until her father came home and even when he was home. I went through classes and was patient still am, I know she loves me and her sister and with her attitudes had settled down and she was having normal tantrums/fits like a child her age should but yesterday over dinner she became angry over having to take a bath saying she was too tired so I had said ok well go to bed and we will give ya one before school.. Then she got mad and refused to go to bed. It esculated to her telling me and her 3 yr old sister to shut up and that she doesnt have to listen to me, my 3 yr old accidently nudged into her trying to get through the door way and my 6 yr old grabbed hit her and twisted her arm behind her back, so I told her to stop and not hurt her sister that its not nice she hit her again so I had busted her but (I have tried time out methods for 6 minutes, taking certain toys away etc) she smacked me back I realized she would keep hitting me so I went my own way (her father was on his way home) I recorded her actions after I had attempted cleaning the house while she was following me throwing things and hitting me.. She has said things like she wants us to die she hates us she wants her mamaw (whom had custody of her before my hubby, he didnt know he was her dad before then) I know alot of it is because of her mom not being present, her mom chooses not too and has 2 more children one older than my stepdaughter whom she lost custody of from shakin baby syndrom and a new baby she has now. My step daughter says we are bad parents because when she breaks things out of her fits and gets a pop on the butt.. I dont know what to do.... i Love her so much and I cant help but worry. We have also (if this helps) caught her lying on people to keep herself out of trouble. And when we take her hand to walk her to her room for bed sometimes she holds it and acts like we broke it... Snow
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 05:50:46 +0000

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