Fanmail of the day - After watching the captains blog for over - TopicsExpress


Fanmail of the day - After watching the captains blog for over four years, I have discovered that I am normal and there are people who have similar interests to me. Im 15 years old now , but four years ago in school we had to tell the class what we did during the weekend. The normal 11 year olds responce being I played out on my bike. Whilst I would say something olng the lines of I replaced the capacitors on my motherboard or I electro polished my door handle via electrolysis. I thought that was cooler than riding a bike; everyone else thought I was a freak. Then I discovered the geek group, the first video I watched was a 1970 GE Transmitter Autopsy video. After that I discovered the captains blog and Ive been hooked since. But most importantly i learnt to accept I was a geek and embrace it, as I know know there are thousands of people who have the same interests and hobbys a s me. And even better I can talk to the and share my thoughts with someone who actually gives a shit. This has given me more confidence with my self, and has helped me to learn new things I would have never of learnt. An example of that was how to epoxy a floor. I then later epoxied my bedroom floor. Despite it pissing of my pearents. Also you inspired me to cover the a four foot border of my bedroom walls In diomand plate (Im the only one in my family who likes it). I love the blog and always will, its like television which is free of drama and fake reality bulshit. Instead focusing on education and intelligent entertainment. Keep doing what your doing. With kind regards: Lewis I like this guy :)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:17:09 +0000

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