Fantastic news! University of Bradford Union passed a motion - TopicsExpress


Fantastic news! University of Bradford Union passed a motion yesterday in solidarity with the Justice 4 Sanaz, that will seek to strongly encourage both the Leeds University Union and the National Union of Students to support my campaign. All this would not have been made possible without the steadfast help of the the BSS (Bradford student solidarity), Aadam Sparkzz, and Samayya Ood-Sigma Afzal. I want to thank all those at the University of Bradford who have also been coming to the #demos as well and provided me with much love and strength during this difficult time. Presently, two other university student unions and a student occupation have come out in support of Justice4Sanaz. Thanks to the advocacy of Shruti Iyer, Rachel Williams and Areeb Ul, Kings College London Students Union passed a motion in solidarity with Justice4Sanaz in January of this year. This was followed by Students Union Royal Holloway University Of London (thanks Asma Farah) and the Exeter Student Occupation also passed a motion of solidarity with the campaign (thank you Carlus Hudson and Kyle Max), which you can read here: exeteruniversityoccupiers.wordpress/2014/02/05/solidarity-with-sanaz-raji/ Daniel Lemberger Cooper has informed me that the University of London Student Union (ULU) will also be passing a motion of solidarity with the campaign. I implore other student unions to also pass motions of solidarity with Justice4Sanaz. Together we can fight against the tidal wave of neoliberalism, xenophobia, and racism that not only affects home students, but also international students, who increasingly are left with very little rights to advocate for themselves in this country.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:54:10 +0000

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