Fantastic response to the Special Superstar Session email sent - TopicsExpress


Fantastic response to the Special Superstar Session email sent out, only yesterday! So pleased so many of you can come. Keep on spreading the word so we can make this the biggest session ever!! Thanks everyone x Copy of email below; Greetings one n all WILL you join us.... I am holding a ParkFit session at 8.15am, Hervines on Saturday 16th November. All the money from this will be going to help raise money for an operation for a lovely little boy called Will Horton. (lots of info below giving more detail) It will be a dont stop moving session. Lots of you are familiar with this at ParkFit and can hopefully encourage some of your friends and family to come giving them explanation of how the session works. The exercises change all the time, so if anyone can not manage one element, they can just march through it & know something new will come along next. It will last for 75mins (8.15am-9.30am), so a challenge for everyone as an added 15mins to the usual class! The cost will be £10 and it would be great to take the money in advance so it gives you more reason to come if the weather isnt to your liking! Remember, there is no such thing as bad weather - just unsuitable clothing! RSVP so I know how many are coming. Cash would be great please so it doesnt get complicated going through the business as it is all for the fundraiser and not me. I would love to see as many people as possible (if the weather is atrocious well review as a team and can move it to a 60min session). There is very little equipment used so suitable for all levels of fitness. Please please come and support this fundraiser and also get a cracking workout at the same time! Lovin It; Lovin You ali x From Rebecca Horton, Wills Mum... We are trying to raise money for our son. Will was born 8 weeks early and around this time suffered a bleed on the brain. At 14 months old we were told the devastating news that our beautiful baby boy had cerebral palsy. Our hearts were broken, and our lives changed forever. Watching Will suffer has been incredibly painful, and now that he is becoming aware of his condition we are all faced with new challenges and raw emotions. Will is suspicious of people he does not know due to the regular therapy and tests he undertakes, and we have lost count of the hospital visits he has made in his young life. Wills diagnosis is spastic quadraplegia, with all four limbs and his trunk being affected. We were told he may never walk or talk. But our amazing boy has proved the doctors wrong in many ways and we want him to continue doing so. He is a chatterbox, a true character with a wonderful sense of humour and lights up the room with his smile. He attends mainstream nursery and is due to start at reception in autumn 2013. Will is currently unable to walk unaided and needs help with all physical activities that most of us take for granted, including transition from one position to another. He needs constant physical assistance, but is a headstrong and determined child - things that we want to develop as far as we can. Whatever the future may hold, we know Will is going to need ongoing therapy and equipment to help manage the pain and develop him to the best of his ability. We have been told that as Will grows, the effect of the CP will likely intensify with the onset of deformities and more restricted movement. Will has been accepted for a groundbreaking operation which is being carried out on individuals with CP. This is a procedure that has been developed in the US with some incredible results And has just started at Great Ormond Street. The operation (SDR) requires intensive and long term post operative therapy and care, and is expensive. We have been told that we shall not receive NHS funding, so are looking for your support. The surgery is called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy which requires the bones of the spine in the lower back area to be opened to gain access to the nerve roots. They test the nerves and the ones that cause the spasticity then get cut. We want to give Will every opportunity to fulfill his future dreams - whatever they may be. He amazes us every day, and brings so much to our lives. He is our hero. Please help us give something back to him and help all our dreams come true. justgiving/willtoclimb (if you cant come to the session but would like to donate separately)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:58:08 +0000

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