Fantasy Escalation League Rules: READ CAREFULLY! League - TopicsExpress


Fantasy Escalation League Rules: READ CAREFULLY! League Commissioner • The Fantasy League Commissioner is Mike. Any and all questions, disputes, or concerns should be brought to him and his rulings on the issues are FINAL Now? Between NOW and September 18th, all players should try hard to get in the store as much as possible and play, learn, and practice. Wednesday and Saturday will be days to target where many fantasy players will be there to help teach and play. But, come in anyday to learn the game and learn your army! So, EVERYONE TRY TO GET IN WHENEVER YOU CAN TO: o Read your army books o Get your armies to 750 points o Learn the basics o Get everything built & painted with 3 colors o This is a call-to-action, so get moving! =) Army Size and Composition • The League will start at 750 points on September 18th o JUST THE FIRST 2 GAMES; armies will consist of only Core Troops and 1 Hero. This is so we can concentrate on the goal of this league which is for new players to learn the game. o AFTER THE FIRST 2 GAMES; armies will have NO restrictions • We will bump up to 1250 points on November 1st • We will bump up to 2000 points on December 1st • Armies follow all Fantasy standard composition rules drawn from Games Workshop Army Books and White Dwarfs. Games • Every player will be assigned to a group of players at the beginning of the month, and they must play all members within that group for that particular month. It is the responsibility of the players to contact each other and schedule a game day/time. Players will have 4 people to play Sept 18-Oct 31st, 3 people to play in November, and 3 people to play in December. If 2 people cannot find a day/time under some odd situation, bring that issue to me with some notice before month’s end. • All games MUST be played at the Games Workshop store • All games will be scored using Victory Points. THERE WILL BE NO DRAWS. The player with the most victory points WILL BE THE WINNER. • All players will be play at least 10 games, but there is a chance to play 11 games as told below in the CHALLENGE paragraph. League Points and Winner • Points are earned by a player throughout the course of the league • The league winner will be whomever the point leader is DECEMBER 31ST ASSUMING THE LEADER HAS PLAYED ALL 10 GAMES REQUIRED. • Point scale is as follows o Winning a game= 2pts o Just showing up to play a game= 1pt o Having a fully painted army at the start of a game= 1pt NOTE: for horde armies, 750 points isn’t too much to paint and growth beyond that will mostly feature bigger monsters. Also, for groups of tons of troops I will allow dice to signify numbers of troops providing I don’t see the same 10 painted troops in December as September. =) “Painted” consists of 3 colors as per standard tournament rules. Prime your models black/white is 1 color, 2 dabs of other colors equals a fully painted model. Not too hard. o OTHER Points: We will offer a GIANT KILLER point bonus. Any player ranked out of the top 5 that defeats a top 5 ranked player starting November 1st through the end of the league will earn an EXTRA 2 pts (a double win so to speak). This gives the newer players a chance to catch up or GO FOR THE GOLD! I will always have our league points posted, so you’ll know who the top ranked guys are after November 1st. o CHALLENGE: I will give each player (if you are ranked out of the top 5) a chance to challenge 1 player ranked within the top 5 to a match. This is in addition to the normal 10 league games where you may be paired with a top 5 player. This will be a fail-safe if no one in the month’s grouping is ranked in the top 5 and a player wants a chance to try to catch up. The player challenged also gets a chance to earn win points here, so it’s an incentive for them also. Now, so some top 5 players don’t play like 20 games vs. others playing 10…..NO PLAYER MAY PLAY MORE THAN 11 GAMES TOTAL. So if all top 5 players have been challenged before, they can’t be challenged again. Use your challenge wisely! Challenges can start November 1st-end of the league. If you are ranked in the top 5 during that time, you won’t need to use a challenge obviously, but if you fall out of the ranking, then feel free to challenge. Awards The winner of the League will be enshrined in the store Hall of Fame. Also, there will be voting on the following prizes by League members. The winners of these will also get something. o Best Painted Army o Best Sportsmanship o Most Improved Player o Best Game Story (will require telling that story at an end-of-the-League-Party) Overall Remember guys and gals, this league was started to teach new players and bring them along. We are going to have a pool of 25 people by the end to call for fantasy games in the future. Embrace the fun and enjoy meeting people. Compete if you can, but remember this is about having fun and helping people learn. Good luck to everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 05:44:26 +0000

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