Far too many are really obsessed with age. When I was a wild-child - TopicsExpress


Far too many are really obsessed with age. When I was a wild-child young man in my 20s some made a big deal about young people like me having to pay our dues, and how we had to wait our turn. I thought older people talking to me like that was garbage, and still think it garbage to say that to younger people. We should be providing encouragement and support, not what you can and cannot do because of how old you are, or are not. I also now see quite a few folks of my generation, in their late 30s and well into their 40s, often obsessed about getting old, or getting older, or caught between the people who really are elders and the younger generation behind us. It will drive you crazy if you let it. "Young" and "old" are relative terms. You are as young or old as you act or think or feel or say you are, or all of the above. And rather than get caught up in the age game at any age why not just always be the best human being you can be and simply live as full a life as possible without allowing any kind of restrictions, real or created by you or someone else, to stop you from doing that. And purposely make it a point not to associate only with people of your own age group, no matter how old you are. To me that is a recipe for not being exposed to all the possibilities of life, from different angles. And for not growing and evolving as much as possible during your entire life. I love my friends who are in their 60s and 70s and 80s. From them I get wisdom and perspective and an honest assessment about the victories and mistakes of life. From the people of my age range I get in real time both the current challenges of life, but also shared experiences and you can see the fruits of a life lived thus far, both good and bad with many life lessons there. And from younger people I get bottomless hope and possibilities and a reminder that you do not have to lose your dreams just because you have gotten a little older because with youth comes a fearlessness that many of us do in fact lose, very unwisely, as we get older.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 13:20:59 +0000

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