Faradarmani - By Mohammad Ali Taheri Faradarmani is a type of - TopicsExpress


Faradarmani - By Mohammad Ali Taheri Faradarmani is a type of alternative therapy which has a completely mystic view. It is a subcategory of Interuniversal Erfan (Halqeh) which was founded by Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri. In this type of therapy, the patient is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network (the network of intelligence and awareness that covers the universe, Holy Spirit) and while giving a physical report on feeling warmth, cold, pain, tremors, stinging and etc, their defective body parts are identified and the treatment begins with the elimination of the symptoms. This therapy is called Faradarmani because it comes from a type of viewpoint called Interuniversalism. According to Interuniversalism, man’s existence is seen as vast as the universe itself and more than just a set of flesh and bones. Universe became man and man became a universe There is no phrase more refined than that In this viewpoint, man is a collection of physical, psychological, mental and other numerous bodies including various energy transformers (Chakras), limited and blocked energy channels (acupuncture), various fields of polarity of the body, bioplasma field, cellular consciousness, molecular frequency, and endless other unidentified parts. In this mystic school, therapy is applied by taking the individual’s entire existence into consideration and while the person is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network, they are simultaneously scanned by the consciousness which will identify problems according to its own expedience, and begin to remove these defects during the process of therapy. Therefore, from this viewpoint, we can cure all kinds of diseases by using the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The Fara-Therapist is not allowed to consider any kind of illness as ‘incurable’, because for the cosmic intelligence, all kinds of cures and repairs are possible. The Interuniversal Consciousness Network is the intelligence or awareness that governs the universe and is one of the three available elements in the universe. Since awareness is neither matter nor energy, it is not restricted to the time and space dimensions and treatment using this network over short and long distances is possible. It also cannot be quantified and just as mentioned before, its effects can be quantified when it stimulates parts of the patient’s body. Therefore, the therapist cannot associate any of its power to themselves. The three elements that make up the universe are: matter, energy and awareness. The important point about this school is despite many of the other methods, therapy is not performed by the therapist but rather, it is performed through connection to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The therapist only plays the role of a link who establishes a Halqeh (Cycle) named Halqeh Vahdat – Hablellah (Cycle of Unity or the Rope of God) which is a very intelligent link. Saadi mentions this Halqeh in his poem: The locks of the beloved’s hair are snares of misadventure Those who are not in this Halqeh are unaware of this adventure The main requirement of benefitting from Faradarmani is to have an impartial presence in this Halqeh, just like an objective observer, there is no need for trust or belief; thus, those who are withdrawn from this Halqeh are deprived of its grace. The above explanation shows that Faradarmani is not associated with the energy or skill of the therapist and you don’t have to be gifted with any kind of energy to be able to perform therapy, but rather, therapy is guided by a much higher intelligence. As a result, the Fara-Therapist is not affected by physical exhaustion, and there is no need to compromise the energy from nature and other sources. Also, the protective layer protects the Fara-Therapist from the dangers of defective cellular consciousness and other negative radiation and the infiltration of inorganic beings which might be transferred through the patient. Another important point about this school is that one cannot become a therapist through effort or practice, but this ability is entrusted to them and they are equipped with the protective layer once they sign the letter of oath. Hafez In this school, the individual is completely stripped of all their abilities and can perform therapy (after being entrusted with the Etesal and protective layer) without having any tool or method they could associate to themselves. Thus, there is no kind of meditation, imagination, mantra, symbolism, inculcation or self-hypnotism methods used for therapy. It is also believed that the individual can achieve many spiritual abilities and the ability to cure is one of them. One can achieve an understanding of their inner value using this Etesal and achieve enlightenment (meaning achieving intuition, elucidation, a clear understanding of the universe), thus preparing the grounds for the transcendence of the individual and communal spirit while reducing man’s pain and suffering. Because humankind (whom God had created in His image) is not worthy of pain and suffering and finding release from this noose doesn’t entail any bad Karma, but instead, it is his mission. Especially since the cause of some pain and suffering is solely due to incorrect perceptions. Therapy is used as a mystical method to help the therapist to achieve the following objectives: • Understanding and making practical use of consciousness and divine intelligence • Achieving an understanding of the inner value and knowledge of Kamal (transcendence) • Release from the self • Service to people and understanding and engaging in practical worship Faradarmani is used as a mystical movement for the growth and development of the patient. Therefore, in this school, a physical cure without any positive inner growth does not achieve the objective. The patient’s connection to the Interuniversal Consciousness allows them to become familiar with this source of intelligence, thus connecting them to a deep truth which eventually prepares the grounds for inner growth. O Saki! Give me a cup of the holy wine So I can release myself from this physical veil (Sheikh Bahai) Very important note: age, gender, nationality, education, research, mystical and cognitive experience, personal abilities, diet, exercise, abstinence and etc have no affect while working with the Interuniversal Consciousness. Since this Etesal is part of the Divine Communal Grace which spares none. Come! For last night, the drunken harbinger of the unseen world Proclaimed that His grace is communal (Hafez)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:03:53 +0000

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