Farage on Friday: Why multiculturalism has failed Britain, France - TopicsExpress


Farage on Friday: Why multiculturalism has failed Britain, France and every other country IN his weekly column, Nigel Farage again argues why multiculturalism has failed and insists we must stand by British muslims to defeat the evil of terror Nigel Farage argues why multiculturalism has failed No one need be reminded so soon of the Paris attacks that left 12 dead last week. And yet the lumps returned to our throats last night as we heard breaking news of terror raids in Verviers in Belgium. Another atrocity avoided, perhaps – but sadly a stark reminder that the enemies of freedom will not stop until we stop them, and tackle the causes at the root of these heinous crimes. I gave a speech in the European Parliament this week which I hope you might watch. It was, broadly, about the solidarity that we must show with the people of France – but also, I mentioned that the sort of posturing that is often done by political figures in perilous times is not enough — the people of respective European nations want action. And they want action because we’ve seen and heard this all before, and yet we still contribute to the root causes of the problems, and fail to address issues in favour of, say, fighting costly wars abroad. I think it is time we broke the vicious cycle of war and terror, and end the Bush-Blair era for good. All well and good you might say: but how? I won’t claim to have all the answers. But I have a few ideas which are backed up by the hard evidence. Firstly: let’s stop getting involved in wars abroad for the sake of a pat on the back from “Mr President”, or as some sort of means by which Britain projects power abroad. We don’t need to do that. If we want to project strength – we need to get our national finances in order, and we need to start trading with the rest of the world, rather than just the European Union. Nothing would do this country more good than to become an economic powerhouse again, rather than borrowing and spending, a la Mr Brown and Mr Osborne. Secondly: how about ending this silly idea that segregation and identity politics are sustainable? They’re not. The multiculturalism project has failed. The very foundations of it – mass migration, ghettoisation, and excuse-making for unseemly events – were always deeply shaky. I simply challenged a philosophy in multiculturalism that has failed Britain, failed France, and in reality failed every country it has been implemented in Nigel Farage, MEP But in the 90s and early 2000s we went through a political correctness experiment which has backfired on our countries. Colleagues tell me during this time they were often asked if they were “Muslim” or “British”, as multiculturalism suggests. But why can’t people be considered British Muslims? Or British Hindus? Or British Jews? Most people actually identify locally, rather than nationally or by ethnicity or religion anyway. The multiculturalism backers simply dont allow for this. They wilfully segregate us, and politicians play “divide and conquer” with our sensitivities. Multiculturalism, I would argue, urges a “tick box approach” to identity politics. Another idea, called interculturalism, actually claims that while identity may be fluid, Western societies should also reject illiberal practices introduced by other cultures. Ideas such as female genital mutilation, perhaps, or expecting women to segregate themselves from men. GETTY The Ukip leader gave a speech at the European Parliament this week Thirdly: We need to stand by British Muslims, or those across the continent who are outraged and horrified by the civil war raging inside Islam right now. We should have sympathy for these people – many of whom are just trying to get a day’s work done and put food on the tables for their families. I’m not denying that I am also concerned by some of the polling responses on issues like Sharia law, and Quranic punishments such as death for leaving Islam. But maybe, just maybe, we’re seeing these kinds of responses from young British Muslims because we as a society and a civilisation have been so afraid of standing up for what we believe in, and expect people living here to believe in. Lastly: I am utterly disgusted by the political game playing by the establishment politicians over the Paris attacks. Initially, when I brought up the nuances surrounding multiculturalism, they claimed I was politicising what was already, self-evidently, a political event. Then, the likes of Sir Roger Gale MP wrote in a local newspaper in Thanet, that he didn’t want to win re-election in May with the support of anyone who agrees with me over the issue. Might I say: he may find re-election a tad difficult with that attitude. Not only did Sir Roger politicise the issue himself by writing such bile in a newspaper in a seat he desperately wants to hold onto in May, but he also fundamentally misunderstood what I was saying. I didn’t say “Vote UKIP” when asked about the Paris attacks, whereas I know that the Tories actually did use the terrorist attacks to urge people to campaign for the party. Instead, I simply challenged a philosophy in multiculturalism that has failed Britain, failed France, and in reality failed every country it has been implemented in. Sir Roger’s boss, David Cameron, said that multiculturalism had failed in a speech in Munich in 2011. I didn’t see Sir Roger complaining in his local newspaper then. But then again he wasnt in an election cycle at that point. Perhaps he also knew Mr Cameron’s words were hollow, transparent and a cynical attempt to boost his poll ratings. Just like Sir Roger’s attempts to smear me. This is how low our politics has sunk. I for one am appalled. Another speech I gave in the European Parliament this week was to the new, incoming President of the European Council, Mr Donald Tusk. I gave Mr Tusk my customary welcome. Some of you will remember the warm welcome I gave Herman “Damp Rag” Von Rompuy. But what really got people talking – in Poland especially – was my comments about this former Polish Prime Minister who claimed he would never abandon his home country for the vestiges of power in the unelected Euro-elite. He has done precisely that. He is part of the depopulation that Poland has experienced since Labour allowed the free movement of EU citizens into Britain in 2004. Two million people, especially young people, have left Mr Tusk’s country since they joined the EU. Perhaps this is why the video has gone viral in Poland. At the time of writing, the video has amassed 1.2 million views on YouTube for a version with Polish subtitles. Another 200,000 people have watched the English-language version in the past 48 hours. The EU project has drastically altered the country and hurt her future – and there is a worrying scarcity of Eurosceptic voices across the continent.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:33:32 +0000

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