Farhan Akhtar, another inspiring bollywood actor who has - TopicsExpress


Farhan Akhtar, another inspiring bollywood actor who has completely transformed his look into a lean body muscle with full dedication for the movie Bhaag milkha bhaag (run milkha run). The movie is about a world champion runner and Olympian Milkha Singh who is India’s most iconic athletes. Achieving an athletic body type needs lot of hard work and determination. Bulking up or reducing can be done easily when compared to the athletic type of body that requires lot of training and strict eating schedule. What is the major point in achieving the athletic type of body? You need to follow hard training, cardio exercises, and clean diet to start shredding the fat. This will help you to expose your muscles. Goal: Lean body muscle For the movie Farhan akhtar has transformed himself into an athletic body. Basically he has a lean body muscle and little of hard core training for 18 months, has helped him transform into a complete athletic body like the original character Milkha singh. The hard core training has only 40% effect on the output, the rest 60% is made of proper sleep and clean diet. Remember, your muscles need time to recover and you need at least 8 hours of sleep. Farhan Akhtar Diet Chart 6 to 7 small meals a day White meat like chicken, turkey, fish, green veggies like broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms. Make sure all your meals should include carbs, vegetable and a protein. Watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, apples and bananas. Also almonds, cashews, pecans, dried apricot and cranberries. Drink lot of water daily. Antioxidants help your body to repair damage caused by pollution, fried foods and exercise. Fruits and veggies which contain Vitamins A, C and E, Zinc and Selenium are antioxidants. Sweet potatoes, red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, kiwi fruit, grapes, blueberries and mango are just a few of the many foods rich in antioxidants. Pre – Workout meal plan: 1 Piece of fruit and few gms of carbs. Post workout: Protein supplements. Lunch – Chicken, tuna, turkey, roast beef, wheat bread, sandwiches, 2 cups of milk and a fruit. Snacks – Tuna fish sandwich, fruits, protein bar, apple, milk etc. Dinner – 1-2 pieces of chicken or beef, 1 cup brown rice, salad or green veggies, 2 pieces of wheat bread. Carbohydrates are the chief source of energy in a diet plan for athletes. Stocking up on the right carbs at regular intervals ensures that athletes have enough fuel to sustain high intensity training for long durations. Farhan Akhtar Workout Schedule Before planning out the workout schedule, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. Also don’t forget to warm-up prior exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out. This will help you to enjoy injury free exercises. Now coming back to the athletic body of Farhan Akhtar, great effort has been put by his trainer Samir Jaura and Melwyn crasto, athletics coach for Central Railway system India. Melwyn took care of his running style and Samir on his fitness. Farhan akhtar worked out 4 hours daily in two shifts. 45 to 60 minutes of Jogging, 20 minutes of stretching, cycling, Altitude training, etc. Circuit training plays a major role and it’s a effective one where you perform various exercises back to back with no rest in between. The main goal is to increase the endurance. Running on the treadmill is a wonderful endurance workout. Also you can use elliptical machine, stair master. Simply cardio alone won’t bring that athletic type to your body. Mix of cardio and weight training will help your body to get toned. It is called resistance training. Squats and lunges are key for strengthening your legs. You can add core training, hanging leg raises, planks, and crunches to get your core tight and strong. Some more exercises includes chin ups, shoulder press, rows, close grip bench press, lunges etc.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:47:08 +0000

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