Farm Report: Yesterday was somewhat of a stressful day needless to - TopicsExpress


Farm Report: Yesterday was somewhat of a stressful day needless to say I looked like a soaked swamp rat for most of it. After going to the feed store in pouring down rain to pick up horse feed then preparing the horses & goats dinner in the rain I was soaked to the core. I really miss having the barn to feed the horses in so I can be out of the weather, and the horses can have shelter. Anyway Im in the back yard with the wheel barrel full of feed and Celo the goat starts break dancing, I look at him and crack up he is so funny, then heavy weight Tomi Gee the other goat starts dancing, then Champ the horse starts dancing, then Sammy the other horse then two of the dogs break it out, Im cracking up by now, then I start feeling something biting me OM Gosh I have ants in my pants, I start stripping off cloths as fast as I can in the back yard (google earth should have caught this one) thank goodness I had on a long jacket so you cant see much, but anyway I got about 25 bites and they hurt. After nursing my bites I go back outside and pour gasoline in their little ant pile and sit it on fire and burn them out. Im happy now. A couple of hours later I decide to take a Advil for the pain from the bites, I go to the pantry grab a bottle and pop me a Advil and go to bed. At about 3 am I wake up with a terrible stomach ache Im thinking well great now Im going to have a stomach virus. Finally after several hours of stomach pain I get up and walk into the kitchen to get a drink of water. This is when I discover that I do not have a stomach virus. Sure enough sitting there on the counter by the glass was not the bottle of Advil but instead a bottle of Laxatives, looks like I took one of them instead of a Advil. Moral of this post. 1. If you see your animals break dancing it is probably not a dance contest it could be fire ants. 2. Do not take pills without first turning on the light to make sure you have the right bottle. Today is a good day to detox according to the directions I still have a couple more hours before activation. Life on the farm is never laid back. Until next time...Cheers from Critter Campus...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:03:17 +0000

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