Fascinating Literal Facts That Are Found in the Writings of the - TopicsExpress


Fascinating Literal Facts That Are Found in the Writings of the Holy Bible Which are Identified in the Egyptian Book of the Dead *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* In the Ancient Egyptian Society they believed in the Duat, the Region of the Underworld. In the Holy Bible we came to know it as called, the Paradise of G-D. It was a region of hell where the souls of the righteous dead would be sent awaiting the Birth of the Messiah who when he died would go down to the Duat, and when resurrected would, and did lead the captive to freedom into the Shamayim, the Heavens with his {Amun} Father, the G-D Almighty Himself. #Duat #Paradise You see the Ancient Egyptians knew in raw material form what Eternity was about, and what Everlasting Punishment was about too. And yet they just never truly developed it fully as one does film from a camera in the lab, or as a diamond becoming a diamond from the coal it used to be by enduring the process of transformation. The Holy Bible is the Fully Developed Word of G-D unto all mankind. And the Egyptians had a form yet they never sifted the sand away to see clearly the golden nuggets of the Word of G-D in the parameters of the full clarity, in the sharply defined, and un-blurred beauty of the Word of the Amun {the Father} Almighty G-D. #Holy #Bible #Scriptures The Ancient Egyptians believed you could successfully maneuver your way through the Duat {the Regions of the Underworld} in order to defeat all the gods of the underworld with spells, incantations, and utterances contained within the Egyptian Book of the Dead when you arrived in the Region of the Rosetjau in the Necropolis of Giza or also understood to be the realms of the darkness of the Underworld. #Egyptian #Underworld Rosetjau oddly enough in the English is the world Memphis which is the name of Memphis Tennessee in the USA. It would seem that certain of our predecessors, our ancestors of the United States believed strongly in the Egyptian myths and belief systems to which they adhered nearly 3100 years ago. #Memphis #Tennessee And what I can say definitively for sure is that G-D set Moses in the Midst of the Hebrew Nation of Israel when they were enslaved wrongfully by the Pharaoh, the King of Egypt because he feared the loss of his power, for he projected himself to be seen as the Re {god} Amun {father} of all creation who in myth self created himself, and then gave unto himself his first name which is Osiris. #Re #Ra #Amun #Osiris #Sothis #Nome #Geb Moses who was skilled in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, knew all their spells, magic incantations, and arts received from Hashem, the Almighty Himself the unblurry, the sharp vision, the vividly sharply defined perfect word of the G-D of ALL Creation, who became the L-RD of my people Israel. #Hashem #Moshe #Moses #Creationism #Creation Who set us upon the hill of Yerushalayim {Jerusalem} and sent his word to us from Mount Tziyon {Zion} for the word shall proceed from Mount Tziyon and be proclaimed at Yerushalayim first, then to Judaea, then to Samaria, and lastly unto the whole populace of the entire Olam, the whole world. And Jesus from Nazareth came to seal the Covenant of Restoration, and Redemption with Israel, and all who afterward join themselves to her in the Covenant of her G-D, the L-RD G-D of Yisrael. Amain. #Yerushalayim #Zion #ALL #Israel #Yisrael You are the Light of the World, a City which is Set upon a Hill, It cannot be hidden. Jesus from Nazareth said that. #Yeshua #Jesus #True #Light ______.....______ \_____________/ Matthew 5:14* JCLHT* *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* You are the light of the world. A city which is set upon a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick menorah; and it gives light unto all that are in the house. So let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and then they will glorify your Father {Amun} which is in the heavens. *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:58:16 +0000

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