Fascism once more threatens Europe, this time under the guise of a - TopicsExpress


Fascism once more threatens Europe, this time under the guise of a genuine political enterprise. Groups like UKIP, BNP, EDL, Frances National Front, and Britain First have benefited vastly from the political backlash received by more moderate mainstream parties. Generally avoided by large support, their popularity skyrocketed (in a sense) following recent media exposure pursuant to the European Parliamentary elections. These groups do not even have a legible manifesto, yet get away with it by attempting to deflect major socio-economic issues like zero-hour employment contracts causing staggering economic losses, a cost of living crisis, attempts to privatise public health services, disastrous welfare reforms literally costing the lives of thousands, and the fact that England recently recorded its highest suicide rate ever, in favour of one nuance. This nuance is a brainwashing and thoroughly imposed agenda of radical, xenophobic, and racially charged resentment towards immigrants. It is important to remember that every vote is worth more than being based on some professed disdain arbitrarily classifying a section of society as different or harmful. A partys policies on immigration are of course fair criteria to take into consideration, yet there is a stark difference between criticising policy, and racial discrimination. UKIPs stance may seem innovative when viewed in isolation. However, such views are common, especially when put into Britains historical context. A simple glance at the past century will show that certain outspoken British groups have always reacted negatively to immigration. Slanderous connotations being attached to immigrants has been a typical (and baseless) occurrence; to Jews in the 1900s, the Commonwealth in the 1950s, and Asians in the 1990s. Even though studies, statistics, and thorough governmental research programmes would always publish details of these groups being absolutely harmless and (contrary to popular belief) beneficial to Britains growth, the initial uptake by radicals has always sought a convoluted response of labels, criticism, and abuse towards foreigners. This is especially ironic considering people emigrating Britain (leaving the country to live elsewhere) numbered higher than immigrants until the 1990s (in fact, figures still show 150,000- 200,000 Britons emigrating every year). It seems we British have the free right to roam the world while others keep their lips sealed, but our jaws must drop at the arrival of anyone a shade darker. Yet the irony extends further. This fear of immigrants seems to be purportedly a patriotic stance. Though, surely a complete neglect of knowledge towards your own heritage shows anything but patriotism? This is a heritage full of immigration, cross-border royal marriages, colonialism, and well, just generally a lot of mixing with other people. Britain once owned more than a quarter of the worlds land mass, and was sovereign to over 20% of Earths population. This outreaching control only truly ended recently in 1997 when control of Hong Kong was handed to the Chinese. Mass colonisation of this scale obviously embedded a loyalty to the motherland of the UK in these colonies, and the same such thinking in British policy; the notion of we are all British citizens. This is clear by the fact that before 1948, free access was technically given in and out of the UK to over 600 million people across the planet by virtue of the aforementioned Empirical citizenship. Lest we forget the contribution to this loyalty by the barbaric regime of occupation employed, from the Indian holocaust of 15 million Asians, to the entire population of Kikiyu villages being beaten to death or subjected to concentration camps- a total of one and a half million people. The point is, when such violent methods are imposed, mass colonisation indisputably results in mass immigration. Even Algerians live in France to this day (after 132 years of an extremely bloody occupation), Moroccans in Spain, and practically every other ex-colony and its Western counterpart. Contrary to what UKIP would lead you to believe, immigration is not a spontaneous phenomenon where people from all over the world suddenly decide they no longer feel affection towards their home and so attack Britain with requests for public funding and citizenship. Immigration will always be, and has always been the consequence of countless variations of foreign interference. Hence, the amount of immigrants in the UK is easily explainable. The economics of immigration are also vastly misrepresented. Time and time again are ridiculous arguments spawning the brain span of radical racists such as these immigrants take all our jobs and drain to our public funds. The easy answer to that is no; unemployment and immigration are in fact negatively correlated. It is also worth pointing out that natives utilise public services and welfare benefits far more than immigrants ever will, or indeed have. Public health and pension schemes (at high demand, due to the UKs ageing native population) cost the government far more than the occasional (and relatively cheap) immigrants income support. Since the biggest pull of immigration started in the 1990s, Britains economy exponentially shot up. In fact, more jobs are available than ever, and many analysts show a direct correlation between jobs available and immigrants entering Britain. This is not unusual, as those who do enter Britain usually bring about some skill-set or expertise to build a business, provide jobs, and create revenue; even if they do not, immigrants take up low-paying but necessary jobs (like construction and farming, which natives view as undesirable or associate with a low social status) while creating space in higher-end jobs for nationals. A good example is Italys national pride of dairy farms which has an annual turnover of over £10 billion! -- it is completely worked on by Indian immigrants. The reason there is a lack of jobs as presented by many authorities, is not that they are taken by immigrants, but due to other factors like government cuts (decreasing public service employment), and structural unemployment where an educational deficit leaves jobs to fill but no people with the correct qualifications to fill them; these are definitely matters which need to be addressed. Furthermore, London (the United Kingdoms most diverse city) has recently been allocated the title of richest city in Europe with a GDP of more than $800 billion! This in itself decimates any claims of counterproductive immigrants; to have economic accolades given to the city deemed an infestation of immigrants by many extreme right wing parties. Further proof is in the borough of Tower Hamlets, Londons most diverse borough, being reported by an accountancy network (Grant Thornton) as having the highest growth index in England, with the strongest demographic and economic potential for rapid growth. Eight of the other ten districts ranked are also in London. Thus, this is what makes such stances and statements so absurd; an arrogant xenophobic attitude being their true basis, in place of any grounded reality. It is time to conclusively accept that these views will not, and do not have the potential to create a better living for the masses. It is embarrassing to see that elections are turning into competitions giving rank based on extremity towards immigrants on a scale of resentment, rather than support for what could truly alleviate Britains real issues. If you truly love your people, your homeland, your global position, and the opportunities your children will grow up to have, do not waste nor base your vote on senseless negativity. Britain deserves better from its voters.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:44:21 +0000

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