Faslane on the Clyde employs approximately 6500 people of whom - TopicsExpress


Faslane on the Clyde employs approximately 6500 people of whom many spend a great deal of their earnings in the local area, thereby supporting the local economy. Its essentially a sparsly populated economic blackspot which is fortunate enough to have Faslane to provide jobs. If the Russians or whomsoever decided to Nuke us then it would only take a couple of bombs to render most of the populace of the UK dead or injured so moving the Trident missiles to England is in effect an invalid argument. Take away Faslane and create an economic black hole in the West of Scotland which could essentially remain poverty stricken for generations. This would contribute more to the tax burden of the Scottish welfare budget. Where would the cash come from to pay for that? Are there enough successful Scottish businesses and hard working employees to shoulder the extra fiscal requirements? Personally, I think that the Trident argument is null and void. I would be far from happy at the thought of allowing 6500 jobs to disappear without a cast iron guarantee of new jobs to take the place of the ones thrown away.That would absolutely, without any doubt, destroy the infrastructure of a significant area in the West of Scotland. Who in any country in the world can conjure up 6500 new jobs? This is a crucial point to bear in mind when choosing which way to vote. Alex Salmond is making promises to anyone wholl listen to him. To us he promises free education, free prescriptions, free NHS and other freebies too numerous to remember. To the business community he has been making noises about reducing the rate of corporate tax, (I like that one), and capital gains tax to make us more competitive on the world stage and yet at the same time he promises to crack down on corporate tax dodgers! This is completely contradictory in that the tax revenue from businesses and income tax from employees is exactly what pays for the state assets ie NHS, free schooling etc. Again, where is this mountainous pot of gold going to come from to pay for the growing needs of Scotland? Governments historically gather taxes then squander them on wasteful and ill conceived plans. Its in their nature, theyre addicted to spending your money on their whims which generally fail miserably. It has been forever thus and will remain so. Decide for yourselves on September 18th but dont base your important decision on the pronouncements of devious and self serving politicians. Theyll say whatever suits them regardless of what it means for us.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:20:02 +0000

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