Fasten Your Seatbelt - Energy Reading of Now - CHANNELED MESSAGE - TopicsExpress


Fasten Your Seatbelt - Energy Reading of Now - CHANNELED MESSAGE for the AWAKENING COMMUNITY - 2 August 2013 21.12.12 was a symbolic date on which humanity chose to enter the 4th density. The 4th density is a lighter state of self expression, where you remember more of your all powerful self. It is the very begining of your process of becoming aware of your dream. Hence, you become more aware of your potential that can be used to finally live your dream instead of dreaming about living it. It is a symbolic date agreed upon collectively, because you are infinite spirits with the only limitation you create yourself in order to experience something specific, which has been called transformation from the depth of darkness to the rediscovery of your infinite and limitless self. Bear in mind that you are in a small minority of old souls who has been awakening in a more aware manner. You set yourself, individually and collectively, your alarm clock on 11:11 to trigger the process of remembering. Collectively the awakening goes at certain pace, which might feel like a walk of a tired turtle. However, individually you can, and many of you do, speed up like a vigorous gazelle. Not everyone is choosing to wake up in this timing. Focus on your own experience knowing that your priority is to expand your own awareness in the next two years as much as you can. The window of the energetic opportunity is still open for some time. It is not your responsibility to drag others behind you. You might belive that you are helping but in fact you are not. Ultimately, you can arrive only as far as you lighten yourself up. Leave the emotional "vampires" behind, where they choose to stay. You truly help others working on yourself. Remember that the only power you have is over your own choices. You simply have no power to choose for others unless they allow you. However, choosing for others slows their development as they become dependent on you giving up their own power. The awaken ones know and feel the acceleration. It is not the energy that is stronger. It is your perception expanding faster than ever before throughout myriads of your human lives. This life is a unique experience, where you give yourself an opportunity to experience the "grand finale" of this experiment. You have been waiting for it for eons. This is why the planet is heavily overpopulated. Everyone wanted to get a ticket (any body) for the show of all times. You are the scrip writer, director, performer and audience of the show. It is totally up to you to make the most of this experience. However, if you choose to remain longer in the 3rd density matrix it is your valid choice you are supported in. From your spirit perspective time does not matter. You just want a new experience. The world as collective does not understand yet the importance of the global transformation. Many people are afraid of the happening changes, which appear to them as violent and chaotic. There is much work going behind the curtain. All old 3D matrix systems hardly cope in the 4D awareness. Oppression, deceit, greed, conflict, the victim-perpetrator mentality and fear cannot function in the bright light. Fasten your seatbelt for the even faster ride. Do not participate in the drama of the world. Choose to be focused on what brings you joy. In this timing focusing on fear is NOT BENEFICIAL. In this timing you will make new friendships and connections. You are choosing your new family. Be confident that what you "lose" you do not need anymore. At the same time know that you will not lose anything and anyone that serves your awakening. You are always supported in what you focus on. It is "unconditional support" to the extent of being supported in pain and suffering if this is what you are choosing. Choose wisely. Choose what is suggested in love and not fear.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:20:58 +0000

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