Fat is a Choice Maybe its all in my head. Thats what I keep - TopicsExpress


Fat is a Choice Maybe its all in my head. Thats what I keep telling myself when I discover that suddenly (with just a few pounds off this fabulous body) something has become easier to do. Like, bending over and picking something up off the ground or floor. OK, 9.4 lbs should not make that big a differece when you need to lose more like 94.94 lbs (probably more than that - actually yes, more than that). Im not ready to share a number other than loss right now because that could be overwhelming. My first number goal is 10% and that I hope to achieve before Thanksgiving. Anyway, back to picking stuff up off the floor or ground and maybe its all in my head... Oh, you may have noticed from previous posts, I ramble. I have done that all my life and some leaders at a marriage conference one year (you may have read the book) compared the brain of women to spaghetti and the brain of men to waffles. David and I joke about this all the time but it is so true. My brain has to be like a plate of spaghetti. I can be thinking of something and following that strand of spaghetti (the thought I have and am expressing) and suddenly I run into another spaghetti strand and go off on an entirely different subject for a few seconds and then pick up another one and another one and then cross the original strand and Im back on subject. Think about it... mentally see a picture of a plate (or bowl) of spaghetti in your mind. Pick one spaghetti and follow it to the crossing of another, and follow that new one to the next one, and on and on and on. Yep, see how that works. Thats my brain and thought process. So, back to its all in my head. I just feel that I can actually bend over now and dont have as much fat in my way of getting down to the object Im bending over to pick-up. I dont think that is all in my head. I think that was all in my fat stomach and now my stomach is not as fat - it is definitely still fat and I have a long way to go but I have started - and I can bend easier, actually further because I dont have as much protruding and preventing me from bending as far. And that my friends may be gross to discuss but this is my post and you are reading it and I appreciate the fact that you are allowing me some leeway here. If you want to fully understand this, strap a couple of bed pillows to your middle section and tie them on good, make sure they will not slip and then bend over to touch your toes. See, fat people live with that. Amazing. The choices we make. Im amazed that a mere 9.4 lbs, ok, I have to admit it. I was just so dang curious last night and I have told myself since the beginning of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge that I would not weigh except on days 11 and 25 and then after the 24 Day Challenge I would weigh weekly. Well, I had to weigh last night and I waited until David and Noemi had left for the football game in Andrews and I ate my dinner (navy bean soup leftover from Thursday dinner) and after I dropped another crochet hook on the floor and had to bend over to pick it up, I thought, thats it, Im gonna see! So, I stepped on the scale and lo and behold I had lost another 1.2 lbs! I am so excited!! Anyway, Im amazed that a mere 10.6 lbs can make such a difference. Seriously, I am! Its like discovering new things every day!! This whole Advocare 24 Day Challenge has to be a daily, minute, second mind change for me. I love chocolate and havent had even one small Hershey Kiss or M&M since I started. I have them in the house because Espyn likes them but I havent had one. I have a box of my favorite candy, Hot Tamales, in my craft table drawer. The box is still sealed. I really forgot it was there until now. The chocolate is always visible. I know that if I want a piece it is there and I can have one piece, just not the entire jar! Thats a choice. One piece or the jar. The jar is not the best choice. LOL. There may be other things that may be in my head or maybe it is the new reality of losing some weight. Abby Mason, my wonderful daughter and Advocare coach, has always told me that Advocare Spark would give me energy and that the Advocare products to help with weightloss would provide extra energy. I never believed her because I never stuck to it long enough to find out. Actually, I found out the first day of this 24 Day Challenge. I Sparked about 1:15 pm and was not able t o go to sleep until well after midnight. I am NOT a night owl! I love my sleep. I do not Spark after high noon! So, ENERGY! Alright, I have more energy and stamina than I have had in years! That could be in my head but I dont think so. Like this morning, Saturday has always been the day that I like to sleep in - usually until 7:30. I was up about 6:15 this morning. I have a ton of things I want to get done today and wanted to get an early start but here I sit... But, I do have the energy to do the things I want to do. Another thing, I swear my clothes are looser. Not that they were tight - remember in an earlier post I said I dont like my clothes tight. Well, I dont like them so loose they are baggy. Im gonna have to be cautious about that because Im very critical of those morons that wear baggy saggy clothing. Do they actually think they look cool. No, they look like fools (that is my opinion and my opinion is my reality, remember I said that already too). And there is a difference between loose and baggy saggy. No one wants to see your underwear. BTW - be sure to change your underwear before you leave the house. Im sure your mama always told you this. LOL My world is changing 1 pound at a time. I like this change so far. I pray I stick to this Advocare 24 Day Challenge because I want to see where it leads after the 24 Days are over. Ill be using other Advocare products to help me along the way. Im determined to get that first 10% behind me. Maybe not behind me cause then my butt would be bigger and I think its probably big enough already. Just get that first 10% off me and gone. That would be awesome. That will be awesome! Oh, and the knees feel better. Not that they felt bad but they just feel better. My knee doctor (the best looking doctor in the entire world - yes, he ranks right up there with Kliff Kingsbury but Dr. Barrington is married and Kliff is single and so we can all talk about him as if we know him) told me something like every pound carried on the body is multipled by 4 on the knees. That is a lot of weight I have depended on my titanium knees to carry. I have reduced that already. Im happy with what I have done thus far! Espyn will be over in another hour and then our day will really get moving! I have to run and get ready. Oh, and before I forget, I chased Espyn the other day. Really chased him. As in, I ran to chase him. Not ran like sprinters and joggers do and not anything really special for the average American but it was special for me. I ran. I actually moved at more than a fast walk. Amazing. So, thanks again to my coach Abby Mason and her persistence. Thanks to my friends for liking and commenting on my nonsense. You guys are such an important part of making this adventure successful. Maybe I will encourage someone else out there to make a change in their life - it doesnt have to be weight loss but maybe someone out there needs to make a change and they have put it off for a thousand years and they are encouraged by the fact that this fat girl is making a choice to not be as fat anymore and they are able to make a choice for themselves that will change their life in some way for the good or better. Anywho, thanks yall! Go out and make good healthy choices! Make some good choices and remember, Fat is a Choice.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 14:13:12 +0000

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