Fat is crucial to maintaining supple skin, lubrication of joints, - TopicsExpress


Fat is crucial to maintaining supple skin, lubrication of joints, cell membrane protection from oxidative damage, and insulates the nervous system. Fat is also needed to absorb fat soluble nutrients such as Vit A, D, E, and K. The question is are you getting enough of the right type of fat? Saturated fats derive from meat and dairy products even coconuts. Unsaturated fats, considered the healthy fats, come from plant sources like avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fish. Trans fats are unsaturated fats that have been chemically altered through a process called hydrogenation. They are associated with heart disease and various other health problems, and should be avoided at all costs. However, dont overdue the healthy fats either as they are calorically quite dense aka fattening. Try minimizing or avoiding oils, as oils contain no fiber and arent a complete nutritional package. Youre better off eating olives than olive oil, or adding whole flaxseed to a meal or shake versus pouring flaxseed oil on. Fatty acids are the main building blocks of fat. There are two essential fatty acids: omega 3, and omega 6. Americans get way too much omega 6 because of the widespread use of vegetable oils, and margarine. Try adding two tablespoons of chia seeds, hemp seeds, or flaxseeds a day to your foods. Your brain and nervous system will thank you later. Did you know that coconut oil is unique? 50-55% of its fatty acids are lauric acid, which helps support and restore the thyroid. It has been shown to lower cholesterol levels due to its ability to stimulate thyroid function. Virgin coconut oil is made of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) which can raise your metabolism, act as an antiviral, anti fungal, and antibacterial agent. And just because you see the name vegetable in most oils used in processed foods, do not assume its healthy. These polyunsaturated vegetable oils used in peanut butter, granola, rice milk, crackers, roasted nuts, frozen waffles, and all the ones used to cook with in fast food or regular restaurants - have been linked to liver damage, increased cancer and heart disease, immune system dysfunction, damage to reproductive organs and lungs, digestive disorders, learning disabilities, impaired growth and weight gain. Ugh!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:08:32 +0000

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