Fat shaming is real and I experience it quite often even from - TopicsExpress


Fat shaming is real and I experience it quite often even from family. I hate the fact that people judge me before they actually know me. So i am finally going to stand up for myself and say it only once. 1.BMI is BS: I am NOT labled by the number on the scale or on a chart. 2.Fat People dont always have poor eating and excersizing habits: I do love my sweets but I dont eat as unhealthy as people think, especially now that Belle is here. I also CAN handle cardio especially Zumba. 3.Fat itself isnt unhealthy: I am 100% healthy according to my doctor. 4. Fat means I am lazy: THIS IS THE THING I HATE MOST. I live in a 3rd story apartment that I climb in and out of everyday, multiple times with kids, and i dont get winded. I play with my children and dont just sit around. And I can be disciplined when it comes to food but I refuse to ever obsess about what is going in my mouth. 5. Size discrimination is real. I have had people, moms, and manly women judge me by my weight. And it happens A LOT. 6. Fat shaming isnt helpful: It sure isnt helpful and it actually makes the shammer look worse than me. 7. Fat people are not desperate for dates: HELLO I am married to the most amazing man in the whole world. 8. Not everyone wants to be skinny: SOOOOO TRUE. I do not want to be skinny. I am proud of my curves. So stop thinking i dont like who i am and feel fake sorry for me. 9. The word fat is not an insult: I agree. Rant over.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 04:39:39 +0000

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