Fat to Fit - Spilling the Beans The main fat burning that - TopicsExpress


Fat to Fit - Spilling the Beans The main fat burning that resulted from the rapid fat loss came from a circuit training routine We call The Perfect Body Routine or as Viabhav and I used to call it 50 reps day. *Note: I am flexing my abs in the main Fit picture to show better and fuller vascularity and result. I dont want to mislead in any way, only show what is possible with this routine and diet. The Perfect Body Routine or more accurately the Perfect Body For You Routine (as it is invidual specific) is a less intense version of 50 reps day, which was a day of 5 drop sets till you hit 50 reps and then going on to the next exercise for a total of 37 exercises without pause, and 3-4 rounds, it is exhausting! Only Viabhav could keep me going. For those of you who want that one, I can post it as well. The new version: 1) Focuses on the three rep ranges (4,8,25) that hit all three muscle fibers for maximum fullness and development and 2) Burns fat as it is a non-stop routine causing anaerobic work to become both aerobic (oxygen and thus fat using) anaerobic. The Perfect Body portion of the routine occurs as the muscles are training in a specific sequence to maximize development of all muscles, and working them as a sculptor would sculpt a sculpture. We started from the top down for the V-taper, as well as focusing on large muscle groups ( as they use smaller muscle groups as well) and then finishing off the smaller muscle groups with concentration and targeted movements. Thus, The Perfect Body Routine aims to create perfect body symmetry. It is not a perfect body with one body type or shape in mind. It is a perfect body routine for everyone, as each persons body will look different with perfect development but perfect with their own specific body shape, unique to that one person. 2) The fat loss was coupled with a reduction of sugar and overall carbs and keeping protein very high. This can be done easily with an Amino Acid powder or simple whey and Caesin for slow absorption before bed. 3) Another major secret was caffeine. I was drinking a 2 liter bottle or more of diet coke a day. This was a major reason for the dramatic fat loss. 4) Nutrient timing: this is simply the best way to get results, even rapid results, while still allowing yourself to enjoy food and thus life in general. This is an in depth post on its own, so I will have to work on making a sample for you all along with the newly labeled Perfect Body for You Routine. And thats it. I will post the Routine in my next post. It has worked well for everyone I have given it to thus far. Hopefully it will work well for all of you as well. ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS YOU LIKE! WE WILL ANSWER THEM IN FULL!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:46:42 +0000

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