Father God, I lift up to You the poor, the downtrodden, the ones - TopicsExpress


Father God, I lift up to You the poor, the downtrodden, the ones that people hurry to walk past, the ones that have no homes, no shelter from the weather, they have no friends to comfort them, no church to bless them with food or basic needs. I pray for them Father and ask for You to help us as Your Body to not pass them by, to not forget them, to do all we can to show them You, Your love, Your compassion, Your mercy. Help us to keep them in prayer before You, help us to help them in meeting their needs as best we can. Help us to not give up on such precious people Father God, for Your love for them is great and You desire to save each of them and bless them with victory in their lives. May they be saved, loved, healed, delivered, and set free to do exploits for Your Kingdom here on this earth. May we love them as much as You do, and prove it to them by our actions with them when we are in their presence. Thank You Father God for not only saving the rich that call upon You, but, You also save the poor and afflicted. Thank You for Your love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness, thank You for all those You shall save that are homeless, downtrodden, and seem to have no hope. Thank You Father in Jesus name, amen
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:43:00 +0000

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