Father God. In all things,I will always highly praise and magnify - TopicsExpress


Father God. In all things,I will always highly praise and magnify you. You are our anchor,father. Without you,father,we are nothing. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit in our lives.Thank you father for revealing so much to me during these past four years of my life.All I can say right at this moment,is Thank you. Thank you for letting me know without a shadow of a doubt,you are my everything. You are and will always be first in my life as I am to you. Thank you father,fir being born in such a time as this.Thank you for making me a witness for you,Yeshua,Jesus,in this Court Room of life in this world. You are our Defense Attorney and you have decreed us,your witnesses,as being Not Guilty.The Accuser is all over the court room,trying his best to get so many of us to change our testimony. He is leading so many out of the courtroom with lies about you and about each other. Father. Please let us not be led into any temptation that is not of You. You have washed our feet and have shown us how to wash each others feet .You have shown us Holy Spirit,how to walk in and with you. Thank you for removing so many scales from my eyes with your words,your deeds and your life Jesus,in heaven and on this earth.Let your will be done. Let your glory be revealed upon us all as it is with you,THIS day. Draw us all in closer to you father. We are submitting and many are resubmitting ourselves to you,Holy Father.You are never asleep. You are the only one that is all knowing and your presence is everywhere.The enemy,Lucifer,HaSatan and ALL of his cohorts Must run from around us and our families. Let healing take place now,within our families and our friends. All forms of healing. Physical(created out of clay by you),mental( we became alive by your breath).financial (all the silver and gold. is yours,our inhertance thru you) and relationships(loving one another and uniting with one another just like you Jesus and our father are. ) Father,I am asking you for so much using and in Jesus,Yeshua name this day. Let it be so.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:44:57 +0000

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