Father God in the name of Jesus, we give You honor, we give You - TopicsExpress


Father God in the name of Jesus, we give You honor, we give You praise, we magnify Your name for allowing us this day. For passing through, but not stopping by our homes & allowing us to make it to our destinations unharmed. We bind up, destroy & demolish anything that was setup to block those of us that want to do Your will. In all ways we give thanks for the opportunities that You allow. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul states, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Father help us to give thanks to You even in our uncomfortable, unfamiliar states. There are times when things seem unbearable to accomplish, then You remind us that You are there to see us through. Father, we thank You on today for all You do, everything You allow & all whats to come. Help us to not take moments & tasks for granted, being that life is so short. Teach us to be thankful that were able to do what we do, because You give us what we need to do it. Thank You for Your still, small voice reminding us that when everyone else is gone,You are there! Lastly, forgive us for complaining when some of us are blessed beyond measures. Thank You Lord, for reminding me of the little I do have so many dont. Thank You for patience, consideration & love.. In Jesus name, Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 19:06:33 +0000

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