Father God, today I pray for our nation, our President, all - TopicsExpress


Father God, today I pray for our nation, our President, all government officials/leaders, those who are in the armed forces/police/fire/EMS. Keep them safe. Watch over them and protect them. Fill them with your Holy Spirit. Give them a mind of Christ and may they hear from you and be led by you. I pray Lord that you would take our selfish desires and attitudes and that we would humble ourselves, repent from our sins and get right with you. That we would seek You with hopeless abandon and refuse to let the enemy lie to us, bully us, deceive us. I ask Father for your protection over our government, our places of employment, our houses of worship, our schools, our families and our homes. I command all attacks and attempts from the enemy that are designed and planned to cause harm, death and destruction to be thwarted and exposed and that the name of Jesus be high and lifted up. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. May we keep our eyes on You Lord and resist from being held hostage by fear and the unknown that is so often driven into us through media outlets. May Your peace wrap its arms around us and comfort us. I pray this in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:52:53 +0000

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