Father God, we come before You and we humbly bow before You; You - TopicsExpress


Father God, we come before You and we humbly bow before You; You alone are worthy of all our praises, You alone are on the throne, You alone are in control. We give all the praise, for You alone are holy and righteous; You alone are the one true living God. Hallelujah, we glorify Your name, Lord God. We lift up holy hands without doubting and we praise with every fiber of our beings. You alone are faithful and true; everything in this world is temporal, here one day and gone the next. Your word is forever the same and sure. Your are faithful to see Your word to completion; Your word will not return unto You void. You are merciful and full of grace; You are holy, You are truth. We praise You and give You all the honor and the glory; we stand in amazement with Your love, with how good You are. O God, we acknowledge that You are Alpha and Omega, You are the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Your love is amazing and awesome. You are our best friend, You are beautiful, You are the Comforter, our Confidence, Confidant, Counselor, Defender; You empower and enlighten and encourage us through Your Holy Spirit. You are Faithful, Fearless, Friend of sinners, Great, Good, Gentle, High and lifted up, Holy, we honor You, O Lord God. You are kind, Your love is unconditional, sure, stable, and powerful. You are inconceivable, beyond our understanding. You are just in all Your ways and righteous. You are light, there is no darkness in You. You are our Healer and our Master Physician, Lord God. We sing songs of praise and hymnals to You, Lord God. We bless You in every area of our lives; we bless You with our lips, in our attitudes, our thoughts, our behaviors, our actions. We continue to lift You up and praise Your name; we dance before You and stomp on the chains of injustice. We shout You, O Lord, O the earth let us sing; we take it to the streets and we praise You in every way, in Jesus Name. Lord God, we have fallen short of the glory of God, we have all sinned and made messes. Not one of us has hit the mark, not one of us has lived without sin; we are all wretched and we all have compromised in some way. We have all said and done things that break Your heart. We confess our sinful nature and we confess that we are stumbling and falling to the way side. We have all fallen into deception and gave into temptations; not one of us is perfect. Lord God, we repent right now of our wickedness, our disobedience, rebellion, our sinful ways. Forgive us for entertaining thoughts and ideas that are not of You, in Jesus Name. Forgive us for seeking the pleasures of the world, for prostituting ourselves and seeking the acceptance of man. Forgive us for seeking the approval of the world, for looking to the right or to the left, in Jesus Name. Forgive us for being disobedient and disregarding Your word, Your commands and for taking Your grace for granted. Forgive us for lowering our standards, morals, values, and integrity to gain the worlds approval. We have become so double minded and unstable in so many ways; Father God, forgive us and heal our land, in Jesus Name. We have given into the corrupt ways of the world and allowed the lies of Satan to become a part of who we are. We are worse off than those that are of the world; we know better and yet we live like the world. Father God, please have mercy on us and forgive us for our sins and our attitudes. Have mercy on us, Your children; cleanse and lead us back into the paths of righteousness and holiness. Purge and purify us with Your Holy Fire and bring forth Your healing touch to our land, in Jesus Name. Burn up the works of wickedness and the evil ways that are within us; let Your Fire burn up the works of the world and the works of the flesh, in Jesus Name. Father God, release Your Holy Fire and refine us and purify us with Your Holy Fire, in Jesus Name. Let the Fire of Your holiness make us pure and holy. We renounce every sinful desire, every fleshly desire, the lust of eyes, of the ears, of the mouth, the lust of the flesh. We renounce pride, legalism, religion and every unclean spirit that is in operation within us, our families, our friends, our communities, cities, counties, church, and the nations. We renounce every stronghold and every deceptive word and lie spoken over us and through us, in Jesus Name. We take authority over every thought and every word and every idea; we bring them under the full submission and power of Jesus Christ right now. We break the chains and shackles off of our minds, hearts, and lives, in Jesus Name. We speak freedom and liberty over our lives from the power of sin, the bondage of sin and death. We receive mercy and forgiveness for our sins; Lord God, we ask for the grace to live the lifestyle of holiness and righteousness, in Jesus Name. We ask You for the grace to live in obedience to Your word and to strive to live the standards You have put into order, in Jesus Name. We decree and declare freedom and liberty from the law of sin and death over the minds, hearts, and souls of Your people, in Jesus Name. Father God, baptize us in Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy Fire; let us be vessels and conduits of Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy Fire. Let us burn vehemently and radiantly with Your Holy Fire right now, in Jesus Name. Lord God, we desire to know You more intimately; take us deeper into Your River, O God, take us higher into Your mountain, Lord God. Father God, amplify, increase, intensify, magnify, and multiply Your Holy Fire within us and through us, in Jesus Name. Let the Fear of God be a seal upon our hearts, in Jesus Name. Release Your Holy Fire upon the church, increase the passion and zeal within us for You and Your word. Lord God, empty us of ourselves that You are increased within us, in Jesus Name. Father God, let Your love and passion burn vehemently and radiantly in our hearts, and let them be a seal upon our hearts, in Jesus Name. Lord God, we desire to draw closer to You and to delight in Your laws and precepts, in Jesus Name. Let Your word burn in our hearts and through our lives; increase the grace, to be doers of Your word, to live in obedience to Your word, in Jesus Name. We yield and completely submit and surrender to the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name. Father God, we desire to honor and glorify Your Name in every area of our lives, in Jesus Name. Lord God, let the flames of Your Fire flow through our mouths, let our tongues be like blazing fire; speaking Your word with boldness and passion. Take the coal and touch our lips; let mouths be tools and instruments of Your glory and honor. Let us no longer speak words that tear people down, that are abusive or negative; let us speak the truth with love and compassion towards others. Your word says out of the abundance of the heart, the man speaketh. Purge us and purify our hearts, in Jesus Name. Lord God, let our hearts be set ablaze with Your love and passion for Your glory and honor. Father God, we desire to be ministers of Your Holy Fire, in Jesus Name. Lord God, let us be trail blazers with Your Holy Fire; carrying Your Fire to the nations, in Jesus Name. Let Your Holy Fire surround us and be a wall of protection that burns up the fiery darts that are launched against us, in Jesus Name. Let Your church be set ablaze with Your Fire right now, in Jesus Name. Shake everything that can be shaken, awaken the church from its complacency and apathy. Break the chains and shackles that have held the church bound and enslaved to the ways of the world, in Jesus Name. We take authority and command all scales and blinders to fall off of the children of God right now, in Jesus Name. Expose the deception and lies that have infiltrated the church; expose the works of darkness so that they can be demolished and removed, in Jesus Name. Reignite the passion and fire within the church; let it no longer be lukewarm, but vehemently hot for You, in Jesus Name. Raise up a remnant that no longer compromises and bows down to the ways of the world; but those that will raise up the standards of God and live a lifestyle of obedience, yielding to the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name. Let Your word be the guidelines and the law upon the hearts and minds of the remnant. Raise up those that will lead by example and lead them to the very presence of the Lord God, in Jesus Name. Raise up those that are fearless and bold and courageous to go forth into the nations carrying Your Message to the hearts and minds to every person, in Jesus Name. Raise up a generation that is separate and holy, a generation that sends a message to the world, refusing to bow down to the ways of world, refusing to compromise in any way, in Jesus Name. Let Your church no longer be tolerant to the ways of the world, tolerant to sin, in Jesus Name. Amen and amen and amen.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:01:43 +0000

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