Father, I have confessed Jesus as my Lord and believe in my heart - TopicsExpress


Father, I have confessed Jesus as my Lord and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the resentment I feel towards those who abused and abandoned me. Now, I am Your child. When other people leave me and I feel unloved, I am thankful that You will never, ever leave me alone or reject me. Jesus gave His life for me and called me His friend. He lives in my heart, and I am on my way to heaven. That is plenty to be thankful for. So when I am lonely or discouraged, I can think of things that are pure and holy and good, even when I am apart from everyone. Heavenly Father, I ask You to strengthen me and help me while in the presence of the dangers surrounding me. You have assigned angels who will accompany, defend and preserve me in all my ways [of obedience and service]. I am not alone. Your Word says that there is nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ — not pain nor stress nor persecution. I will come to the top of every circumstance or trial through Jesus’ love. You are concerned with the smallest detail that concerns me, and You are my Help. I ask You for friends who will admonish and encourage me. Teach me how to trust others and be a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Help me to walk in Your love and show myself friendly. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:23:43 +0000

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