Father, I thank You for this day that You brought me through. I - TopicsExpress


Father, I thank You for this day that You brought me through. I thank You for an abundant Word that was spoken in due season on today to encourage not only me, but others that heard and received it & will become doers of Your divine Word. In the name of Jesus I ask that You would cover all who are out in this winter weather, no matter what part of the country, cover & protect them now! Look up those who have lost someone on this past week & grant them the privilege of Your loving comfort in the name of Jesus! Touch every new born child and protect even now in the name of Jesus! Continue to equip every Pastor in the mighty name of Jesus! And as You equip them, also be their sword & shield protecting them from the fiery darts & ever increasing attacks of the devil. Bind him & cast him away from & out in the name of Jesus! Hold them up as they preach the word instant in season, crying loud & sparing not! Touch every married couple and draw them closer together in love in the name of Jesus! Look upon every single parent & help us to maintain our dignity and virtue before our children in the name of Jesus! Touch our children, our parents, our siblings, our friends, our family, natural & extended, our co-workers, our students, & yes, once again, even our enemies in the name of Jesus! Guide our leaders, President, Congress, Supreme Court, Governors & Mayors in the mighty name of Jesus. Lead them in the right path & bind up greed, selfishness, lying tongues & other manner of evil that is running rampant amongst our leaders in the name of Jesus! Look up every spiritual leader & the body of Christ world-wide in the name of Jesus! Draw those that will be saved & prick the hearts of those that are in a back-slidden condition in the mighty name of Jesus! Loose peace upon the war-torn countries & protect our service men & women so that they may return home to their loved-ones in perfect peace in the name of Jesus! Look upon every community & put the neighbor back in the hood so that our communities will once again be neighborhoods & not just hoods in the name of Jesus! I ask a special blessing upon every 3rd grade student as they prepare to take the achievement test in April & forgive our educational system that sets up failure within the confines of the testing schedule. Help those in charge to understand that testing our students after they have been on vacation is just another way that society is failing our children. Help them to understand that to test the students while the information is fresh in their minds would be more beneficial and again forgive the educational system that has not caught up nor changed to really & truly meet the needs of todays students. Please forgive us for trying to keep up with the Jones in our educational system. Touch every grandparent, every aunt & uncle who are raising their grandchildren, nieces & nephews due to parents being in jail, strung out on jail or simply so selfish they dont have time to take care of the child/children they made. Please forgive the parents & strengthen those helping to raise the children. Lord God, so much to pray for, but I stop to ask You to forgive me of anything done or not done on this day, Please wash me, cleanse me & renew me in Your precious blood. Create in me a clean heart & renew a right spirit within me. Take out everything that is not like you, even the residue in the mighty name of Jesus! Loose the blood upon me that I might be clean in the name of Jesus! Cover every man, woman, boy & girl in this entire world in the name of Jesus! Meet every need, work out every situation, heal every sickness according to Your will and purpose for our lives! Leave no-one untouched on this evening/morning depending upon the part of the world where this prayer may reach in the name of Jesus! Do what You do best & do it for our good & Your glory in the name of Jesus! Again, touch everyone everywhere in Jesus name...I humbly pray and believe it to be already worked out...AMEN!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:36:52 +0000

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