Father, I thank you for blessing me every day and for the miracles - TopicsExpress


Father, I thank you for blessing me every day and for the miracles youve brought to my life. The peace and hope. Oh Father in Heaven, I thank you so dearly for being in my life even at times I may have thought you werent. I look back Father into the words that I read as a child and see all the prayers you answered for me and the things you have done in my life and it brings tears to my eyes Lord to think of how much you love me. Oh I feel so undeserving Lord but yet you still speak to me, you still hold me and comfort me. Father there is so many times that I feel like you are so far away and miss you soo much but you are here in my heart only a prayer away. The times I feel distant I must realize that it is because you have given me space and time to grow and learn. Oh Lord it is like I am riding a bike for the first time...you stand back and watch as I grow like an infant, you let me stumble so that you may lift me up and so I may do it all over again until I get it right. Oh Father there is no one ever comparible to you!! My life is so full of memories Lord that you have given me and as I go back through them all it is like looking through snapshots....there is FANTASTIC times like the times I got to sit upon the beach and just gaze at your beauty you had set before me, the walk in the woods looking at waterfalls, listening to the sounds of nature....or just hearing you say my child I love you and yet there was hard times too like the times you wanted so much for me to see you but I was stubborn and wanted to do things on my own but you let me know that you were still there...YOU NEVER left me!! There was times that I even thought you hadnt heard my prayers and I was sad but now I see that it was because you loved me and I couldnt see what you could. Father I thank you for what you have made me...I have grown so much in your love and what you have taught me but I have sooo much growing still to do and I couldnt imagine learning without the most wonderful Father there is. A father who doesnt neglect us, abuse us....A Father who Truly knows how to love us. You loved me to death Lord.....your love has brought me to tears and may it take me to my knees with praises Lord. Father please let my focus be on you and may I teach my children the love you have taught me and I pray they will see what a great Father you are. My Love to you Father,your child Pelon thank for everything you have done. Amen... Have a Blessed Friday...
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:19:06 +0000

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