Father, continue to give Your grace to Pam to be able to keep - TopicsExpress


Father, continue to give Your grace to Pam to be able to keep going the course. We continue to speak LIFE LIFE LIFE to Musa, to every cell in his body in Jesus name. Father turn the food they give him by tube into what he really needs to nourish him. Give him what they cannot. Balance his blood chemistry we pray. Stop the pain or any infective agent. Kill any aberrant cells that cause infection in the name and blood of Jesus. Let Your peace, and joy in them be made manifest. Give supernatural hugs to her boys. Let them see Jesus. Let them feel Jesus laying down with them and loving on them at night. Protect them and speak to them Abba. Help Mona with her schooling. Give her Your wisdom Holy Spirit and grace. Help her in all that concerns her & give her Your peace! Would You arise NOW Lord? You sent a sign of breakthrough, with the earthquakes, now will You break through for Musa and release the fullness of You for Him and his family Abba? Demonstrate Your kingdom now in El Monte Lord, in that rehab home. Release Your angels and loose salvation, healing signs and wonders Lord! We need You Lord! We must have more Lord. Musa is called to much more. Will You BREAK THROUGH NOW Lord? In the name and blood of Jesus we pray!!! Encourage Pam daily Lord, and continue to give her your strength and whatever she needs. In Jesus name, amen!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:27:39 +0000

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