"Father, help me “fix it in mind and take it to heart,” that - TopicsExpress


"Father, help me “fix it in mind and take it to heart,” that you are God and you do as you please. No one can ultimately resist your will, and we’re foolish when we try. You’re not a manageable deity; you’re not predictable; you’re not programmable. You’re mysterious—good, but mysterious...I’m so thankful that you are a sovereign Father, having equal care for each of your children. I can trust you. I don’t have to panic. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to take matters into my own hands. I don’t have to fear outcomes, “what ifs,” or “if only’s.” Second-guessing must surrender to gospel sanity. Father, help me to want your purposes to stand more than I want life not to be messy. Help me to glory in your pleasure more than I finagle for fewer hassles. Help me to accept disruption as a necessary part of transformation. Help me not to hide behind a doctrine of sovereignty, but to abandon myself to you, my Father who does all things well—even if you don’t do all things easy..." - bit.ly/19wGcLb
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 09:05:06 +0000

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