Father let these words be Your words and I the pen Sunday Blog - TopicsExpress


Father let these words be Your words and I the pen Sunday Blog July 6, 2014 Gee, thanks! (Based on 1 Thessalonians 5: 15-23) Im curious. How would you perceive this, if someone said, gee thanks in a disgusted tone while at the same time rolling their eyes at you? Would you see it as an honest expression of thanks, like Wow, thanks! or would you sense sarcasm? Would you not interpret it as the latter? Many times Christians are guilty of this same sarcasm when experiencing difficult or challenging times, and rolling our eyes in many cases, is directed at no one else but God! We find it is easy to thank God when everything is going well. It is not so easy when everything appears to be going wrong. Yet, the Bible tells us, IN EVERYTHING give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 1 Thessalonians 5: 15-23. That is not a suggestion by the way. It is an instruction. This past week I was asked by a Sunday Blog member who was flirting with sarcasm, Are we to be thankful when the ______ hits the fan? THANKFUL IN EVERY CASE?? Losing someone? Financial hardships? Declining health? depression, despair? I dont understand. Thats unreasonable! Why would God expect me to smile when my world is falling apart? I was not shaken by her attitude given the multiple burdens that engulfed her family all at once. I have to say again, as children of God this is what we are instructed to do! Believe me, I am no different than any of you. Though I do not talk back sarcastically at God with those gee thanks quips (though I have been guilty of this many years ago), I still struggle to fully understand the whys of having to be thankful IN EVERYTHING. I have learned, God would not have instructed us to do so unless it is for our own good, good for things at large, or unless challenges and testing are ingredients necessary to finish His perfect recipe (the completion of our faith) as explained in last weeks Sunday Blog. Can you think of any reason why we should be thankful even in the worst of times? I can think of a few. God may not only be using adversity to get our attention, but it may also be used as a means to draw us closer to Him. Maybe it is to strengthen us in some way. To refine us. Perhaps even to be a blessing to others. The Apostle Paul is a good example of being drawn to God through adversity! Paul (Saul) was on the road to Damascus and was struck blind with a bright light (Acts 9:5-6). Struck blind!! You think you have it bad? Paul had to endure blindness as a part of Gods wake up call. Paul had actually been persecuting Christians, not a follower of Jesus at all, but Pauls adversity changed things completely around. How do I know such a tragedy was used to shake Paul and get his attention? The answer is obvious from Pauls first response, Who are you, Lord? What is it that You would have me do? Immediately, in just seconds, Paul was willing to obey God and do the Lords will. And we all know what a great follower Paul became to convert many to the faith from that day forward. Then there is my experience. I was still walking on two legs all the way up to 2010, and then with the assistance of a cane until 2012. This independent, self sufficient girl didnt like it, but I made do. I resigned myself to the fact I would just be a little slower than the average person, but the challenge could be met. Then suddenly, even that little bit of freedom was taken and I am now confined to a wheelchair unable to walk at all. I have not suffered blindness as Paul, but God certainly got my attention! Did I ask why this happened? Deep in my heart I knew why! God had called me out several years ago and had a place for me to serve, which I ignored. The truth is, I was a Christian believer, born again in 1973. I had read the Bible and attended many Bible studies throughout the years. I could quote scriptures and verse as a second language, even went through courses and obtained an Evangelists license. But over time I grew lazy in my commitment to God and drew farther and farther away, not even attempting to fulfill or complete the things God wanted in my life. God had plans for me just as He had plans for Paul but I was not giving Him any of my time or sharing the knowledge He had so freely given me. He was patient and gave me years and years and years to answer His calling. I am not referring to heading Bible studies, getting a license, or even witnessing to others which was all true. These are good things and useful in His Kingdom, but I was ignoring His specific calling for me, and I continued to ignore Him. It wasnt until I was at a point in my life and able to understand the severity of my stubborn choices, that God struck me with a blinding reality to wake up! I had refused to walk where He wanted me. I chose to go my own way, to serve myself by doing all the things I wanted to do, traveling, engaging in all my hobbies, doting on self, etc. My awakening came when I no longer had the use of my legs and could not walk MY WAY. The fact is, I have plenty of time to serve Him now as He desired since all the hobbies I love require the use of good, strong, balanced healthy legs which I no longer possess! Im grounded. As strange as it may seem to some, and odd to others who might interpret this....this handicap is exactly what I needed to wake up, settle down, and do what God was drawing me to do all along. We must remember...HIS WILL will be done on earth as it is in heaven (from the Lords prayer) and however the Potter chooses to bring to fruition each vessel He molds, so be it. If the thorn in my side is used to bless others, then I will find true healing in the process. Is all sickness, illness, disease, heartache, or problems we encounter a wake up call from God? No, of course not, and Im not assuming that it is. I am here to press the point that no matter what your circumstances may be, find something in the midst of them to be thankful for because this is the WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you. There is always something to be thankful for in every situation. Notice I am saying you can thank God regardless of the situation. I did not say you had to be thankful FOR the situation. I am certainly NOT thankful I need a wheelchair to be mobile, but in the same breath, I am thankful for my wake-up call, realizing my selfishness, and finally answering Gods call. I am thankful that I am able to serve God even from this chair, sharing and assisting you in understanding the scriptures. I am thankful despite my disability! We will never be an effective witness for Christianity if we are not thankful. No one will want what we have if we are miserable and complaining all the time. The joy of the Lord is your strength - Nehemiah 8-9. When we are thankful it shows God we trust in His Divine plan despite what we see, feel, go through....regardless of setbacks and heartaches. When we are thankful it shows God we believe Him when He told us ALL THINGS work together for good to those that love Him. When we are thankful in the midst of the storms, it shows God our trust is in Him alone to bring us through it. Thankfulness demonstrates faith! Ill leave you with this. There once was a lawyer who had successfully handled a difficult law case for a wealthy friend. Following the happy outcome of the case, the friend and client called on the lawyer, expressed his appreciation for his work and handed him a handsome Moroccan leather wallet. The lawyer looked at the wallet in astonishment and handed it back with a sharp reminder that a wallet could not possibly compensate him for his services. My fee for that work, nastily snapped the attorney, is five hundred dollars. The client opened the wallet, removed a one-thousand dollar bill, replaced it with a five-hundred dollar bill and handed it back to the lawyer with a smile. Do you think God is going to take that bitter disappointment in your life and make it a stepping-stone to greater joy and fulfillment? Do you believe God can fit it into a plan for good into your life? Unless you believe that, there is no way you can be thankful for your present circumstances. There is a positive here. God knows how and IS planning, right now, to convert that overwhelming experience into a stepping-stone of life if you will trust Him! Be thankful in all circumstances.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:59:42 +0000

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