Father, this morning I pray for all those who have given up. Lord, - TopicsExpress


Father, this morning I pray for all those who have given up. Lord, the burden of this life can be heavy. Unmet goals leave us feeling like failures. Broken relationships break our hearts. Comparison robs us of our joy. We try, we hit walls, we fall down. And sometimes, we give up. Father, I pray for those who have lost hope. I pray that you breathe new life into them this moment, sweet, living Lord. I pray that they hear Your voice. Bring hidden things within them to light, Lord. Show them if the things they are chasing are good and true and righteous, if they are within Your will for them. Divest them of any harmful pursuits, stop them from following after anything that is not of You. Polish and shine those goals that are good, and strengthen your children for their journey. Give them hope, for YOU are our hope. Send them encouragers along their way, to show up at just the right time as you have ordained, to lift their spirits, to cheer them on, to comfort them, to hold their hand. Put joy and song and laughter in their lives to sustain them. This world is broken and fallen, it cries out to you in longing. We will never be truly satisfied until You come again and make all things new, Lord, for we were created to be Yours, to be with You. But here, in this place of waiting, I pray for You to lift the anxieties and worries, to erase shame and failure, to restore and renew. Give vision and purpose, restore relationship, and break down the lure of comparison. Comfort your people, and raise them up in joy this day, O Lord. I ask this in your matchless name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:53:15 +0000

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