Father, we thank you for another opportunity to be in your - TopicsExpress


Father, we thank you for another opportunity to be in your presence and ask you to guide us through this day camp your angels around us, protect and keep us as we come and go. Anything we said or done that was wrong in your eyes we ask that you forgive us and continue to guide us daily. Lord, we ask that you bless and filter our minds because it is what operates our thought process as well as bodies. Continue to work on us til we have a mind like you. Bless our eyes so that we see what you see and know that it is your work. Bless our ears so we hear you clearly and learn how to follow your instructions.bridle or tongues so that we may speak no evil but only your life flowing wisdom to whom ever is willing to hear.Transform our hearts father, so that we may learn how to receive and give your perfect love.Saturate us in your holy spirit so that we are willing vessels being transformed and used by you daily.We decrease so that you may increase and pray that each day your perfect love fill our hearts and overflows into others. We are your willing vessels and ask you continue to fill us with your knowledge, wisdom, truth, courage, patience, and all other attributes you have so that we truly are Christlike and are fully functioning children of the most high sharing the gospel to all the nations. We ask that you bless or homes, loved ones, and friends and draw them to you a well. These things we ask in the name of the Farther, the Son, and the precious Holy Ghost; in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:19:04 +0000

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